FlexTools Updates
The first update for FlexPack Pro:
WallCutter is released, and it cuts through walls like never before!
Check it out! >> https://flextools.cc/wallcutter
A quick update:
We released a few enhancements and important bug fixes for WallCutter and the Place Upright tool.
Read more about the changes in the Change log: https://flextools.cc/change-log
Is it possible to use a window/door component with casings on BOTH sides and
only the FRAME of the win/door cuts the wall (a group), leaving the trim on both sides intact?
With my thanks.
@dpaul said:
Is it possible to use a window/door component with casings on BOTH sides and
only the FRAME of the win/door cuts the wall (a group), leaving the trim on both sides intact?
With my thanks.
DavidHey David,
Yes it is possible... But we haven't released this feature yet..
It will be available in the next update of FlexTools. You will then be able to mark sub-components to be ignored by the cutting algorithm. We'll make an announcement when it's ready.Yoni
While waiting, I went ahead and purchased your plugin only to find out that you are right: it can't be done at the moment.
Disappointing......However, what is encouraging is being able to punch in one of my windows into a wall I created with
Profile Builder 3 and when I shrink or expand the PB wall, I do temporarily lose my window, but once I press REFRESH it comes back. A relief.....!In other words, this could be the combo I have been looking for that will fast track my building layouts: PB3 walls and Wall cutter for installing my own windows and doors.
Till then, though, perhaps we can clone you and your team in order to speed up what I need.......
@dpaul said:
While waiting, I went ahead and purchased your plugin only to find out that you are right: it can't be done at the moment.
Disappointing......However, what is encouraging is being able to punch in one of my windows into a wall I created with
Profile Builder 3 and when I shrink or expand the PB wall, I do temporarily lose my window, but once I press REFRESH it comes back. A relief.....!In other words, this could be the combo I have been looking for that will fast track my building layouts: PB3 walls and Wall cutter for installing my own windows and doors.
Till then, though, perhaps we can clone you and your team in order to speed up what I need.......
DavidIf we were cloned... one of us clones would have definitely answered your question a lot faster!
Great to hear it's working well with PB3 and with the Refresh button!
We have the feature you need already working in our 'development branch'. I believe you'll be able to use it pretty soon.
Yes, Flex and PB3 should work very well for me---and I am particularly encouraged by the last comment in your thread.
I look forward to hearing about the update soon.....!
With my thanks.
David -
All sounds great. Hope to try it soon!
@dpaul said:
I look forward to hearing about the update soon.....!
With my thanks.
DavidHere it is!
New update for WallCutter!
In this update we've introduced a much requested and significant enhancement for WallCutter - the ability to exclude sub-components from affecting the cutting algorithm. That means you'll now be able to have wall cutting windows (and doors) with Trim!
And yes, it will work with trim on both sides as asked by David here.
This update also includes a couple of bug fixes:
One of the bugs found by Pixero (posted here) should now be fixed. Sketchup won't crash now when having 0 faces in a WallCutter component.
The other bug fix addresses another similar crash that could happen if the faces in a cutting component had the thickness of 0. This could happen when a flat WallCutter component was created with the wrong axes orientation.
How to auto-update
Remember to restart Sketchup after the update!
Happy Flexing!
This is a crucial addition to a very powerful plugin.
Thanks.....! -
This is great. I just have a quick question about pivot points. Say I want to create a pivot door, how does one go about creating the function of a pivot door?
@somebodyelse said:
This is great. I just have a quick question about pivot points. Say I want to create a pivot door, how does one go about creating the function of a pivot door?
Hi Ivan,
If you mean to turn the FlexDoor into a pivot door, up till this very moment it was not possible...But it is now!!!
I made a few internal changes and added a setting called 'Axis - Move'.
Consider this a hot-fix, not completely polished. You must turn the 'Arcs' off and set the 'Hinges' to 0 for things to look normal when changing the axis position.
You'll find the updated FlexDoor in the zip attached below. Drag and drop the skp into a model for it to work.
This is absolute perfection! screams in excitement
@ivan k said:
This is absolute perfection! screams in excitement
Very glad it's helpful Ivan
We released this new FlexDoor feature yesterday as an auto-update to the plugin. I think it will be useful for everyone.
Flex Slider Window/Door - Coming soon in the next update!
Meet the new FlexSlider window/door!
Customize the sashes! Set the number of divisions, choose from 3 muntin distributions: 'equal divisions', 'prairie style', 'from side+equal spacing'.
One of the features in the new FlexSlider Window/Door is that you can hide parts of the frame in order to make various configurations.
In the following example is a 4-panel door made by combining two FlexSliders.
This can serve as a temporary solution for those who need a 4-panel door component Right Now!
We plan to make a dedicated 4-panel door component at a later time. -
Glad to announce ComponentFinder was updated to version 0.8.0
The highlights:
Folder scanning depth is now increased from 5 levels deep to infinity! (and beyond...)
The maximum number of components in an open folder tab is now up to 6000!
When opening a new folder tab, the scanning will be going on in the background so you can continue working while it's scanning. Components will be added as they are discovered.
You can now cancel the scan anytime.
Faster loading of open folder tabs during CF startup.
An additional larger zoom level was added.
You can click on the folder name and it then shows the full path instead.
When hovering over components, a tooltip appears with the full path.
The annoying bug where components' thumbnails would suddenly break? Squashed!
To see the full list of release notes => https://flextools.cc/release-notes/
How to update => https://flextools.cc/learn/updates/
You can now use FlexTools in Japanese 日本語 !
Translations usually come in with a bit of a delay after each release. In this update we've added some translations for the FlexSlider component. Japanese is available for FlexPack Pro and FlexPack 2017 too.
Many thanks go to our devoted translators who keep contributing their precious time and expertise:
Takahiro Terasawa for the new Japanese translation
Pilou - French translation
Rafael Teresa - Spanish translation
Rebeca Rabia - Portuguese translation
Charles Tom from Geographic Information LTD 幾何資訊 - Traditional Chinese translation
Shaun 肖万涛 - Simplified Chinese translationIf you can help to translate FlexTools into your language - Please let us know!