Introducing SUbD for SketchUp...
I guess this would work for furniture as well... or?
All subd
Next one...
Nice examples cotty. Looking at them I realize I should add a section on the website that illustrates various examples of meshes and how they subdivide.
And I'm happy to hear you like quads. I was concerned how people would receive this extension because it relies so heavily on quads which isn't native to SU (if you want the non-planar type). It's also not that common to see people model with quads in SU. But quads is what I felt SU needed all along - which is why I created QuadFace Tools and now SUbD.
Oh yea- and you should all nag Rich to show off his quad-models. ;D
Are there any example SketchUp files using SUbD available?
I develop some software that converts SketchUp files to precise solids and want to test going from SUbD quads to NURBs.
And remember that many of Fredo's tools and my own Extrude... tools have for sometime allowed options to make thomthom's 'QuadFace' compatible meshes, so you won't always need to model your QuadFaces "from scratch"...
great topology
There are now 2 great Subdivide tools : Artisan & SUbD!
Seems Artisan can subdivide any selected volume**(s)**, SUbD subdivides only one Group or Composant!
PS On this page :
Play List Youtube don't exist! -
What would be the main differences between SUbD and Artisan? I am currently using Artisan and I am very curious where this new plugin would fit for me, or is just a matter of preference?
Oh my this is worth the money with the Pushpull tool on steroids love it ima buy it soon.
Great job ThomThom -
Hi guys, could be easily used for rounding corners on the fly on a building? (A high creasing value? or a double line at corners?)
@jql said:
Hi guys, could be easily used for rounding corners on the fly on a building? (A high creasing value? or a double line at corners?)
i would say it's not intended for this kind of job.. use round corner instead..
this is more a powerful organic modeling tool. -
@derei said:
What would be the main differences between SUbD and Artisan? I am currently using Artisan and I am very curious where this new plugin would fit for me, or is just a matter of preference?
it's just a matter of quads
another test model.. a little more organic..
@evosoft said:
Are there any example SketchUp files using SUbD available?
I develop some software that converts SketchUp files to precise solids and want to test going from SUbD quads to NURBs.
I'm not sure if I can share many of the models from my test users, but I can share this one which I have been working on myself.
The non-planar quads that SUbD support is the same as how QuadFace Tools uses:!quadface-definitionSend me a message is you need more assistance:
I'd love to hear more about what you are doing.
@tig said:
And remember that many of Fredo's tools and my own Extrude... tools have for sometime allowed options to make thomthom's 'QuadFace' compatible meshes, so you won't always need to model your QuadFaces "from scratch"...
Oh! If you give me a list of which of your extensions support QFT quads then I can add then to the list:
I need to set up a new site dedicated for QFT and quad modelling in SU.
@pilou said:
There are now 2 great Subdivide tools : Artisan & SUbD!
Seems Artisan can subdivide any selected volume**(s)**, SUbD subdivides only one Group or Composant!
Yea, allowing SUbD to act on multiple items selected is something on my todo list. It's a silly omission really.
Thom, as already stated, feel 100% free to share ALL of my models as example/test models..
a detailed sofa tutorial is in the work.. ready with the modeling part. i'm waiting some help from a friend who works in education/university for the "packaging" whit robotic voices or something because my spoken english is soo bad. i hope we can get over this as soon as possible