SketchUcation 3D Viewer (formerly the '[ignore]' thread)
Rich, again, this is very impressive work. Kudos. This is a regular stop for me now. I can't wait to see how this develops.
I am suddenly getting nothing at all when I click on one of the models!!
Is the new 3D icon in the lower right corner supposed to do something different.
I am running Win 8.1 with IE 11. I will also try the pages on Chrome and see what happens there.
Worked fine in Chrome I need to figure out what is happening in IE.
I have been excited because so far, the SketchUcation 3D Viewer has worked in IE when others did not....
@ntxdave said:
I am suddenly getting nothing at all when I click on one of the models!!
As the viewer at the moment is under continuous development and bug-fixing it might happen that it behaves strange or completely stops for short periods of time. If that lasts longer than an hour try to cache erase-reload (Ctrl-F5) to get the latest script.
@gábor said:
@ntxdave said:
I am suddenly getting nothing at all when I click on one of the models!!
As the viewer at the moment is under continuous development and bug-fixing it might happen that it behaves strange or completely stops for short periods of time. If that lasts longer than an hour try to cache erase-reload (Ctrl-F5) to get the latest script.
OK - Got it working again...
I tried the Ctrl-F5 but did not see any difference. Then I deleted all of the temp files and now it is working again
However, am I seeing things or did something change. A little while ago, I thought I saw a text box at the bottom of the viewport but now I am not seeing it. Is that something you are working on?
We have a convention coming up at the end of next month and this view would be so neat to have (I know that is unrealistic but it might give you an idea of my state of mind related to this viewer).
I think you guys are doing a great job
@ntxdave said:
However, am I seeing things or did something change.
As I said: Under development. Hopefully will see some more new features and less bugs in the upcoming days.( Current new feature: Displaying actual scene names in the right bottom corner if the model has scenes.)
EDIT: So if you have the latest script you should be able to see the scene names e.g. at Rich's latest model.
@gábor said:
@ntxdave said:
However, am I seeing things or did something change.
As I said: Under development. Hopefully will see some more new features and less bugs in the upcoming days.( Current new feature: Displaying actual scene names in the right bottom corner if the model has scenes.)
Thanks for the update....Looks like I better start using better scene names
Just out of curiosity, once all of the scene stuff is working properly, are you looking at the ability to play/auto play scenes?
This gets more exciting every day.....
Camera animations are rudimentary with no real control over direction and speed.
If we do add a camera animation function it will likely be controlled via curves and handles. Where curves dictate the path and the handles dictate the interpolation type.
...knees and toes.
It's all really cool stuff.
This is looking better every day
The (3d) logo on the initial image makes it clearer that you should click on it to make it 3d
Says thanks to google for their extremely useful Material Design project and icons.
@tig said:
The (3d) logo on the initial image makes it clearer that you should click on it to make it 3d