[Plugin] Layers Panel 1.2.1
@tig said:
If you manually remove all of the plugin's subfolder-of-support files and the lone loader .rb... then re-auto-install it is there still the error ?
Nope, no error after a clean install.
@tig said:
js code is adrift ??
In this case it's JS, but some time ago I had the same issue with the main CSS file.
@tig said:
Your newly install script needs to tidy up after itself IF there are file changes...
How can I detect it has been updated ?
@tig said:
As a 'trusted author'... Are you really sure that you are properly making the two files needed for inclusion in the PluginStore database - the RBZ for the page and then the 'second-format' needed for the in-SketchUp dialog etc ??
@tig said:
What ZIP program are you using to make the ZIP you are renaming as RBZ ?
Windows Explorer
@tig said:
Are you using definitely v8 to process the RBZ into the 'second-format' and NOT v2013 ?
You don't need to detect if a file has been updated.
All files in the RBZ or second-format are extract and overwrite any preexisting files.The problem comes if you have some files from an older version that are not included in the newest installation.
Now they a left behind in the subfolder and might still load if you globally 'require' or 'load' files, or the html etc is still referring to them [you might have removed them but the user hasn't] - iin that case adjust the current code too.If you know that some files are obsolete then your loader rb file' code needs to check for their existence - make an array of their subfolder_location/names: then use:
If it does then
AND increment acounter
If thecounter!=0
then you need to popup a message that old-legacy files have been deleted and SketchUp needs to restart to complete the new installation. Otherwise the older files code is still loaded and will often break your new installation OR SketchUp itself... -
I had the same problem(s). Turns out that the new version is called jb_layers_panel and jb_layers_panel.rb whereas the previous version did not have the "jb".
I unloaded the new version, deleted the old version, and restarted SU.
SU immediately crashed
Restarted SU and loaded in a model.
Worked okay except- The saved options where not in effect.
- Still got the unexpected ')' error and had to click four times "yes" before it went away. When I did that the saved options took effect.
I tried it the other way around: loaded SU (no error), then opened a model. The Layers Panel filled out but the options were wrong and I got the error message and had to click yes four times to make it go away.
It clearly has something to do with the options.
I could implement all of the new functions.
I can resize the dialog, but "Added a dark bar at the top to minimize/maximize the dialog" is not there
If you click Ctrl-Z while in the panel you get the same error
In that case == BIG mess up.
If you have 'layer_panel' as your plugin name and others have installed it before then issuing a new version called 'jbb_layer_panel' is regarded as another tool.
ALL of the legacy files for the old version continue to load their old code in tandem with you new version - causing inevitable clashes when similar module/methods are called...
When you decide to rename a plugin it cannot be entered into lightly.
Your new version must find and delete all earlier versions that are using the older name, these will NOT get overwritten by an auto-install and load and mess things up...
Also consider that an .rb file in the Plugins folder might have been 'managed' or 'uninstalled' so you need to look for say layer_panel.rb and layer_panel.rb! and layer_panel.rbx files in case they exist !!!
The files in the 'layer_panel' subfolder need deleting and then the folder removing, you cannot [easily] delete a folder that currently contains files...If this is the cause of this issue I suggest you immediately 'unpublish' the plugin and we agree a strategy for a new version to correct the legacy issue files/folder, and advise current users to at least disable ALL versions they have installed.
@unknownuser said:
Added different color for groups
Thank you! But the difference in the light grays is not very discernible.
If you move a group with all the layers showing, after moving the layers are no longer showing, but the arrow is still down. You have to click on the down arrow (which opens up the layers) and then click the arrow again to collapse the layers.
There are no obsolete files. And the plugin already takes care of the old versions with different names. What can remain are the old folders, but that's not a problem since no rb file access these folders. It's been a while since that, and nobody never had any issue.
Bob , you actually have a different issue than Rich. I'll look into that.
The folder version called "layers_panel" was downloaded on 14 Oct 2013.
I also had a "jbb_layers_panel" folder with the same download date.The "layers_panel" version started out:
require 'sketchup.rb'
require 'jbb_layers_panel/Win32API.so'
module JBB_LayersPanel]
and the rb was dated 9 Sep 2013
In the "jbb_layers_panel" version the rb is dated 16 Sep 2013
As jiminy said, in both cases the rb was called "layers_panel.rb". It was only the folder names that were differentI'm verysorry if my ignorance caused a problem
I notice that your html files do not define 'scripts' in the 'header' but at the end of the 'body'... is this an issue?
Also your main html file doesn't include:
<script src="./js/jquery.min.js"></script>
Is this likely to cause an issue ?
After all the error relates to JQuery... -
Maybe you mods/admins guys could move these posts to a new thread in the devs forum ?
@bob james said:
As jiminy said, in both cases the rb was called "layers_panel.rb". It was only the folder names that were different
Let's sum it up.
Alpha version until 0.02, May 15th 2013 :
Plugins/Layers Panel.rb Plugins/Layers Panel/...
From Alpha version 0.03 to Beta version 0.3.1, Sept 9th 2013 :
Plugins/layers_panel.rb Plugins/layers_panel/...
Since Beta version 0.3.2, Sept 16th 2013 : (For compatibility with the Extension Warhouse)
Plugins/jbb_layers_panel.rb Plugins/jbb_layers_panel/...
When this one loads, it automatically deletes
Layers Panel.rb
"J" being loaded before "L", the two old files never get loaded before they are deleted.
Ok so, I can reproduce the issue by reverting back to 0.6 and trying to update through the PS or the default rbz installer inside SU. Both fail to update the "js" folder, in both SU8 and SU13. Therefore, some new JS files don't get added, and we get the JS error.
This. Is. Weird.
Actually, the "css" folder is not updated either...
The two sub-folders ofPlugins/jbb_layers_panel/
Here is version 0.6 if you want to test :
Layers Panel 0.6 beta (Obsolete)
@tig said:
I notice that your html files do not define 'scripts' in the 'header' but at the end of the 'body'... is this an issue?
Also your main html file doesn't include:
<script src="./js/jquery.min.js"></script>
Is this likely to cause an issue ?
After all the error relates to JQuery...No, the fact that the scripts are at the bottom shouldn't cause any issue. It certainly didn't in the past.
0.7 doesn't includejquery.min.js
because it includesjquery.js
, which is not added due to the "js" folder not being updated... -
There is no issue when updated while Layers Panel is disabled (Through the Sketchucation Extension Manager, or SU's preferences window)
So I guess the problematic files are not replaced because Windows sees them as used.
What is even weirder is that some pre-non-existent files are not added. -
@huckrorick said:
I downloaded version .7
As soon as I clicked on the Layer Panel I get an error message. (see attachment)
When I try to add a layer with Layer Panel it doesn't respond.
When I add with the Layers window I get an error message.
What am I doing wrong?You need a clean install of the plugin.
Go toC:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins\
, and delete the filejbb_layers_panel.rb
, and the folderjbb_layers_panel
Then you can reinstall it normally.EDIT : See the post below, you can just disable the extension before updating.
deleting the folder and file, then installing worked fine.
Very nice the way the program is working now.
thanks. -
i have a few more ideas for your plugin. please don't think i'm being demanding, you see i just found your plugin really helpful. anyway, these are my ideas. i don't know if they are really doable as far as rubyscript and your time/effort goes.
linked layers. (since you gave the idea of being photoshop-like) 2 or more layers can be linked and even if just one of them is selected and the hid/show is toggled (by clicking a button or the hot key)simultaneously they are shown/hid. multiple linking may be done. with this, you do not only have the capability to group folders and hide/show them by hiding or showing the eye icon (or the possible hotkey) you can also get the hide/show to work with ungrouped/unfoldered layers!
single-clicking/hover changes on a layer. this gives the function of hovering over a layer name to not change the mouse pointer to a pointer for typing. also when you click the layer name, what happens is you get to select the layer and you do not have to aim precisely at a point in the layer strip to have the layer selected. however, a double-click on the layer strip still renames the layer:)
font size change. i noticed the original layers panel can hold a longer list of layers as it has a smaller font size. is it possible to get your layers panel closer to that too so it would be easier to view the list without scrolling for those who tend to make 50+ layers?
anyway, i enjoy plugin and it helps so much, when i start earning after i graduate, i promise i'll donate for this plugin's awesomeness! thanks again, you are very helpful, jiminy!
Thanks for the kind words
It's always nice to hear
@monmonred said:
- linked layers. (since you gave the idea of being photoshop-like) 2 or more layers can be linked and even if just one of them is selected and the hid/show is toggled (by clicking a button or the hot key)simultaneously they are shown/hid.
It's not the way linking works in PS (at least not in CS6), but why not. But I always thought it was the whole point of being able to group layers.
Added to my todo list.@monmonred said:
- single-clicking/hover changes on a layer. this gives the function of hovering over a layer name to not change the mouse pointer to a pointer for typing. also when you click the layer name, what happens is you get to select the layer and you do not have to aim precisely at a point in the layer strip to have the layer selected. however, a double-click on the layer strip still renames the layer:)
I'll look into this. I can think of a couple of issues, but there are probably workarounds.
@monmonred said:
- font size change. i noticed the original layers panel can hold a longer list of layers as it has a smaller font size. is it possible to get your layers panel closer to that too so it would be easier to view the list without scrolling for those who tend to make 50+ layers?
Actually, the height is driven by the input field size, I can't seem to find a way to make it smaller. It seems CSS-support of IE doesn't allow this. Maybe if someone finds a way to do this...
"It's not the way linking works in PS (at least not in CS6), but why not. But I always thought it was the whole point of being able to group layers.
Added to my todo list."yeah i know, its just that when i had the idea of linking layers here i remembered you said this plugin is similar to photoshop's layers panel. i just thought it would be cool to relate it to photoshop however remotely they are similar.
those who share their work for free at least have to be recognized for their great work and contributions.
While what you ask is a good idea, if you try to delete a layer that has anything in it SU will ask what
you want to do with the contents. If the layer is empty it will simply delete. -
@unknownuser said:
hi there,
i miss somehow the odd dialog box from su which tells me if a layer is empty or not -
if you could add that to your layers panel - or an icon which shows if an layer is empty or not that would help ... oftne times i reorganize and clean up my model - then i want to delete some layers but im not sure if it is empty already...
At first there was only one single delete button, with a popup asking you what you wanted to do with the content if the layer was not empty, just like SU's default layers window. But the perfomance was terrible. The plugin has to scan every entity in the file until it finds a match. So I prefered to have three different buttons.
So trying to notify the user that a layer is not empty would have exactly the same problem.