i have a few more ideas for your plugin. please don't think i'm being demanding, you see i just found your plugin really helpful. anyway, these are my ideas. i don't know if they are really doable as far as rubyscript and your time/effort goes.
linked layers. (since you gave the idea of being photoshop-like) 2 or more layers can be linked and even if just one of them is selected and the hid/show is toggled (by clicking a button or the hot key)simultaneously they are shown/hid. multiple linking may be done. with this, you do not only have the capability to group folders and hide/show them by hiding or showing the eye icon (or the possible hotkey) you can also get the hide/show to work with ungrouped/unfoldered layers! 
single-clicking/hover changes on a layer. this gives the function of hovering over a layer name to not change the mouse pointer to a pointer for typing. also when you click the layer name, what happens is you get to select the layer and you do not have to aim precisely at a point in the layer strip to have the layer selected. however, a double-click on the layer strip still renames the layer:)
font size change. i noticed the original layers panel can hold a longer list of layers as it has a smaller font size. is it possible to get your layers panel closer to that too so it would be easier to view the list without scrolling for those who tend to make 50+ layers? 
anyway, i enjoy plugin and it helps so much, when i start earning after i graduate, i promise i'll donate for this plugin's awesomeness! thanks again, you are very helpful, jiminy!