[Plugin] Bitmap To Mesh
Panixia, that couch looks awesome! I look forward to that tutorial. Really.
I just bought Vertex tools myself earlier this month. I have more practicing to do. Artisan is also a great companion to this plugin.Yeah it's pretty heavy but not so bad. I just checked the file size of the water scenes. The one that's 50 pixels is 11mb and the 150 pixels is at 19mb. I'm gonna see what I can do about reducing poly count without losing quality. I consider a model to be really heavy when Sketchup begins to lag badly. The water mesh had a slight lag when I was moving the first copy. Other than that no lag at all.
Hi guys!
This is a awesome plugin but i don't know how to convert into a image with grayscale.
For example, this image below.Anybody help me?
Image editor maybe?
If all you do is desaturating a colour image to grayscale then the plugin does this automatically while processing.
However, as I've been trying to stress before - converting an image to greyscale doesn't give you a height map. The light and dark areas doesn't properly represent high and low points of the geometry. Shadows, reflection and light direction will give incorrect result.
Andrรฉ asked for a grey scale image so I gave him one. I didn't think it would be all that useful for creating the mesh since it doesn't suit the requirements of a height map.
First, let me apologize because I have no idea where this is going. I have never posted on any forum, so it's all new to me. What I am trying to find out is how do you download the bitmap to mesh plugin and the tt_lib that goes with it? I have been clicking on links for a while, but I'm just going in circles. I hope this plugin does what shows on the video as it could solve my problem.
tacokid -
Look at the very first post of the thread.
And you can use this to aid the installation process: http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=42315#p375454
You're not going to believe this, but I was having the same trouble. You would think I'm just learning to use computer too !! I did find my problem. For some reason, when I disabled my pop up blocker and re-started my browser, the pop up blocker re-enabled. So I was chasing my own tail. Did get it downloaded and will try it soon.
Thanks a lot
thanks. very nice.
Just one question : no working with Sketchup MacOS ?
Works just fine on my Mac (OSX 10.8.4)
I did this a few minutes ago.
Yea, should work on OSX. Are you getting errors?
Did you install TT_Lib2 as well? (it's a required dependency.) -
256x256 bmp taking 45 minutes to finish. Activity monitor shows Sketchup only using 5% while this is processing.
@jjduncs said:
256x256 bmp taking 45 minutes to finish. Activity monitor shows Sketchup only using 5% while this is processing.
How many cores do you have? Quad core hyper-threaded? SketchUp and Ruby 1.8 only makes use of a single core.
256x256 pixels would produce 131072 triangles - so you'd have quite a dense mesh. Ruby is quite slow by itself, but the bottleneck here is SketchUp's speed of adding geometry. The more geometry already in the group you add to the slower it gets.
Yeah quad core, not sure on the hyper-threading.
Ended up just scaling down to 100 x 100 in PS. Still took 20 minutes though. CPU usage only spikes higher for the last maybe 20 seconds after it finishes the generating mesh task.
Thanks though.
100x100 turned out fine anyway. -
I had a question. I have tried this plugin and it works brilliant, but I feel I could only make it work for rectangular or planes curved in one plane only. I just wanted to know if it is possible with more organic or bulbous or more bulging surfaces in all x,y,z planes. Please forgive me if I'm using wrong terms or doing it wrong.
Btw thanks for all the plugins thomthom!CSK
You mean take a surface mapped with a texture and generate new mesh - like a displacement map would?