[Plugin][$] FredoScale - v3.6a - 01 Apr 24
I think you did not install LibFredo6 companion library, as specified in the main post.Fredo
@unknownuser said:
I think you did not install LibFredo6 companion library, as specified in the main post.Fredo
I've begun to add checks for TT_Lib2 for my plugins that require it - and provide a messagebox explaining what is missing asking if they want to open a webpage where they can download it.
@thomthom said:
@unknownuser said:
I think you did not install LibFredo6 companion library, as specified in the main post.Fredo
I've begun to add checks for TT_Lib2 for my plugins that require it - and provide a messagebox explaining what is missing asking if they want to open a webpage where they can download it.
Good attention, so that embodies the humane.
I found the problem - I didn't realize that I needed to download a platform ruby file to support the plugin I was trying to install. I'll make sure to read more carefully next time!
Hi Fredo, I'm expecting some crashes sometimes when I'm using the Fredo scale, especially when the file is a little big, like more than 50mb. I'm a mountain lion mac user and I don't know if it's normal, I always save the document before use it, but if you can give me some advice is gonna be great, thanks...
I assume you aren't trying to work on the whole 50Mb of geometry !
Make the part you want to bend into a component.
Do a Save_as on it into an external 'part' SKP.
Open that much smaller SKP and run the tool.
If it still fails perhaps it's a physical size issue - very tiny or very gigantic geometry ? If so try using the native tool to Scale the part-model by 10 or 100, process and then Scale back to the original size.
Assuming you get the bending done, save the part-model, then in the main model 'Reload' the component - the updated 'part' will adjust to show its new form... -
@tig said:
I assume you aren't trying to work on the whole 50Mb of geometry !
Make the part you want to bend into a component.
Do a Save_as on it into an external 'part' SKP.
Open that much smaller SKP and run the tool.
If it still fails perhaps it's a physical size issue - very tiny or very gigantic geometry ? If so try using the native tool to Scale the part-model by 10 or 100, process and then Scale back to the original size.
Assuming you get the bending done, save the part-model, then in the main model 'Reload' the component - the updated 'part' will adjust to show its new form...Thanks TIG, I'm gonna do that. It's a tricky smart choice
Im having trouble installing this plug in for a Mac/sketchup 8 Pro. Any tips?
@rseagraves said:
Im having trouble installing this plug in for a Mac/sketchup 8 Pro. Any tips?
The tool's download page has a clear explanation of how and where the tool is installed on a MAC.
The required Lib is also linked and its installation is also explained in its post.
[Same 'plugins' folder...]Another issue that some MAC users have is that the specified HD plugins folder must have full read+write permissions for you - this must also trickle down to that folder's contents and subfolders...
There are many more detailed threads covering all of this, if you still need it do a search...
@pbacot said:
Jonathan please post the file path. Click on the FredoScale_Dir22 folder and get info (command "i") and look at "where". The total path should read /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/plugins
I am having the same problem. I am placing the files in the correct place but it is not working. Were you able to get this straightened out?
Renee, did you follow TIG's post above yours?
If all the files are really in the right place and you've got Read and Write permissions for the Plugins folder established, the plugin should be working.
Hi Fredo! First of all, thank you very much for these plugins, they looks so helpfull. Unfortunately, I can't use it. I have a mac and google sketchup pro 8, I download the files and folders, then I put in the plugin directory and when I open the programme an errore message appear:
Cannot load plugin LibFredo6 because the script cannot create DEFPARAM_Dir folder in:
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/PluginsPlease create it manually, respecting the case
What does it mean? Could you helpl me please?
This is a problem of permission on your Mac (here for programs to create folders)
As indicated, just create an empty folder with name DEFPARAM_Dir in the main Sketchup Plugins directory which should be
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/pluginsFredo
Hi! I need help installing!
I am using a Mac OS X 10.6.8
I have just followed all the above instructions; downloaded FredoScale%202-2 and LibFredo6%204
I have copied both the files into the SketchUp Plugins folder, but when i open SketchUp there is no sign of the plugin. Not in the menu bar or in preferences, under the extensions tab.
I'd appreciate it so much if you could help me as soon as possible!
Many thanks,
It looks to me as if you haven't completed the job and extracted the files from the ZIP files. You shouldn't have the files you listed in the Plugins folder. You should have:
A folder called: FREDOSCALE_Dir_22
A folder called" LIBFREDO6_dir_47
A file called: LibFredo6.rbThis was spelled out in the first post. Go back and review that.
@dave r said:
It looks to me as if you haven't completed the job and extracted the files from the ZIP files. You shouldn't have the files you listed in the Plugins folder. You should have:
A folder called: FREDOSCALE_Dir_22
A folder called" LIBFREDO6_dir_47
A file called: LibFredo6.rbThis was spelled out in the first post. Go back and review that.
Thanks for replying so swiftly.
I am using safari and the files are automatically unzipped. I have indeed copied all of those files, LIBFREDO6_dir_47, FREDOSCALE_Dir_22 and LibFredo6.rb to the Plugins folder, but I still cannot view the plugin in SketchUp.
I can't think why its not working.
Post a screen shot of the Plugins folder.
@lukeclaytonthompson said:
I am using safari and the files are automatically unzipped. I have indeed copied all of those files, LIBFREDO6_dir_47, FREDOSCALE_Dir_22 and LibFredo6.rb to the Plugins folder, but I still cannot view the plugin in SketchUp.
I can't think why its not working.
it's because when you unzip something on mac, it won't unzip it in the same way as windows.. on mac, all of the contents of the .zip will be inside a folder (on windows, all of the contents will be released outside of a folder)
so, you have to open those toplevel folders you're getting in (i assume) your download folder then move THOSE files/folders into your plugins folder..
@dave r said:
This was spelled out in the first post. Go back and review that.
yes and no.. it's spelled out clear for windows users and has screenshots of windows installs.. it's different on mac.
which is why i think (like you) that .rbz files should be used to distribute plugins.. sketchup handles these OS differences internally which leaves a single set of install instructions regardless of operating system.