Brionvega radio Ts522
@rich o brien said:
That material on the main face is very convincing.
It sure is!
Tell me, are the smudge marks intentional or a byproduct of the render? -
Can you also show us what set background structure you used? (table/seemsless?)
Thanks guys.
@unknownuser said:
Tell me, are the smudge marks intentional or a byproduct of the render?
Of course intentional. The material has a reflectance and a roughness map in order to add subtle imperfections to the surface + a subtle noise bumpmap.
@unknownuser said:
Can you also show us what set background structure you used?
It's just a large plan L rounded at the joint.
wow ..... very detailed madel and ... and very nice realistic render .. and profesionall HDRI lightening
awesomebut how time it toooks to compelete ? .... 1 week ??? 1 year ?? -
Thanks the.pjt.
@unknownuser said:
but how time it toooks to compelete ? .... 1 week ??? 1 year ??
It was a couple of hours for each image with TR1 for something like 120-140 passes.
@unknownuser said:
You must have something wrong there. Lighting & materials look strange.
All seem shining, a lot of noise. Perhaps some lights intersect the model? Better you post something at Thea's forum. Also the scene or a part of it if possible.
Thanks Alvydas.
nicely done, care to explain black material on face of radio? did you get the smears/fingerprints on metal?!!!
@olishea said:
nicely done, care to explain black material on face of radio? did you get the smears/fingerprints on metal?!!!
Oli, coming to base-camp? if yes I will show you a Thea trick, easy way to do dirt and smudges
Oh no its 15th....I dunno I may do it, it just means I'll have to eat beans on toast til Xmas (cheap food to us brits!) I'm so tempted....I should just go and not tell my family. Just leave a note on my bed, "Gone to Colorado to see the lads"
It all depends if I can afford it but would love to go. Hmmmm flights...manchester>colorado!
edit: christ looks like it's over a grand just for the flights, don't think I can do it.
@unknownuser said: did you get the smears/fingerprints on metal?!!!
Maybe this could help?
Massimo - you must be from a different planet...
Like others already have said these renders are outstanding... -
Thank you Kim.
massimo thanks for the screenie....looks great, did you already map the texture in SU? or scale in Thea?
Very convincing and a fantastic model -
All done in Thea, projection & scale.
@unknownuser said:
care to explain black material on face of radio?
Sorry missed this one. Here you have a screenshot of the black mat. The map in the reflectance & roughness slots is the same (used some grungy greyscale texture), just more contrast directly in Thea for the roughness's one. The bump map is a noise texture.
Thanks for sharing the settings.
I really need some lessons in creating materials.. can someone arrange that?
amazing stuff, as usual.
ah it was adding the texture to roughness slot that was throwing me off! Nice work!
Is roughness without texture essentially a noise map?
The model looks great...
The metal and paint are even better -
Thanks again guys.
@unknownuser said:
Is roughness without texture essentially a noise map?
Well basically roughness is related to the fuzziness of the specular reflectance & transmittance. A value of "0" is a perfect mirror, by increasing the value you'll reach a diffuse-like look. Also if you use a map the white parts are rough and blacks are shining.