[Plugin] SurfaceGen (0.9.0b) — 28 April 2012
The rest I think you can see in the picture.
Thanks Diggsey for this incredible plugin!
I have translated the plugin to spanish language.
SurfaceGen v0.8 spanish version -
nice plugin....THX
Me gusta este pluguin,se ve interesante, pero lo veo un poco complicado y de poco uso en Arquitectura, no sé si en otras carreras sea tan útil. Voy a buscarle una función. gracias Oxer.
great plugin !
great job !
El otro dia dije "Gracias Oxer" cuando en realidad quería decir "Gracias Diggsey"
Disculpa. -
a test :
I feel like a 5 year old. The geometric forms created are gorgeous and I haven't the faintest idea how to use this.
Thank you very much! Good plugin
Thanks you very great plugin
Very cool plugin!
But a progress bar could be very helpful. Because I 've installed it and by performing the plugin it seems to take hours to generate a surface and I don't know if it is really working!I've waited for more than 25 minutes for a simple eqation so I have to give up finally...
In other words, I can't get it work in my sketchup 8. -
a very nice plugin, ( as i have seen only in pics and shapes that you have created) but i don't understand where can i get equations for it? i want to make some fractal geometry but when i applied the equation it wont work. so can any body help me with this equation thing more..
and thank you
@boilingsnow said:
Very cool plugin!
But a progress bar could be very helpful. Because I 've installed it and by performing the plugin it seems to take hours to generate a surface and I don't know if it is really working!I've waited for more than 25 minutes for a simple eqation so I have to give up finally...
In other words, I can't get it work in my sketchup 8.I figured out that SurfaceGen has a conflict with another plugin calls 'Modelfuction'.
If you get Modelfuction installed in your sketchup, you can see the pop-up window by applying Surfacegen, but it will not create any surface.
I have uninstalled Modelfunction now and SurfaceGen works well!By the way this is really a awesome plugin. So it would be perfect if the author can get rid of the conflict with other plugins...
I far as I can see SurfaceGen does not use any unusual methods or interfere with base/built-in classes/methods. However, Modelfunction may well do that - there are a few scripts will ill-advisedly mess with these and thereby they affect other tools unpredictably [often messing with 'group', 'face' etc].
As Modelfunction is a paid tool [and you must be a customer] I suggest you contact the author direct to get him to fix his code... -
I haven't posted in ages, but I just noticed that there was a way I could improve the speed of this plugin. The new version only calls "eval" once to create a proc object which it then calls repeatedly, so it shouldn't have to keep parsing the expression each time.
I added version number and time of update to the thread title so it's easier to see the change when scanning the thread titles - also the Plugin Index works better then.
@unknownuser said:
ah very cool!
Topmod and K3dSurf in a same place!
(you can take some formula from K3DSurf@unknownuser said:
For now, I'm just playing, but I have dreams of making some beautiful math sculptures like Bathsheba Grossmanmakes.
Topmod above is perfect for that
by meBy Jotero
Wooow did you made does models? simply amazin.
can you share some tutotials? -
Wonderful tool, Diggsey. Many thanks. Nice that folks are sharing their settings. I wish someone with the appropriate skills or not would chart up some many examples, something like the pic below, and/or list many equations to experiment with. I do not have those skills. I had modeled something like the intersecting sine waves not long ago manually... tch, tch.
@unknownuser said:
Wooow did you made does models? simply amazin.
can you share some tutotials?All models are made with TopMod
I have made the first
I have made a little tut video
(sorry in French but very visual)Else you will find some very cool tutorials videos here
(explore the site)
It's a very crazzy program!
By me (French UI too by meDon't make renders inside Topmod (export as OBJ Render here in ZBrush)
Model collection (as shown in previous post) for for you to add your model/s to.