[Tutorial] Industrial staircase handrail.
Nice study Simon
I'm on a phone right now but when I get to a computer later tonight, I'll try some things that might make this a lot easier (or at least give a different way of looking at it)I'm know I can get a smooth & tangent curve in there very quickly but as to it being the proper shape, we'll see
Hey Simon
Thanks as usual. You are such a great contributor.
Cheers -
Cool tut variations!
@unknownuser said:
I have discovered the possibility to edit nicely a pdf into Open Office.
I am interested by this sort of operation
"How to modify an existing PDF" -
so i tried what i was thinking earlier and it does work.. i did this curve in 10 seconds using fredo's BezierSpline.rb (Uniform B-Spline)
No plugin used,just native tools.
@unknownuser said:
so i tried what i was thinking earlier and it does work.. i did this curve in 10 seconds using fredo's BezierSpline.rb (Uniform B-Spline)
I am on phone i need to see that this evening!
Hey Jeff, you've also killed my tutin 10 seconds
simon -
@ely862me said:
No plugin used,just native tools.
that's how they would probably be built as well.. straight tubes with 90 deg bends on the ends then welded together on site.
@simon le bon said:
Hi Jeff,
I have Su6 & Su7 and can't read your Su8 skp solution
But I guess you have used something like this way:oops.. once again i forgot to save as something that everyone can view
.. here's a v6 file.
it's pretty much what you've imagined it to be except i only used 4 points to define the curve. (as you only need 2 points to make a tangent blend to a line)..it's something i discovered about the uniform b-spline..(in part due to eli's problem solving in a different thread).. here's a post of mine in which i do the same thing to create a tangent (and somewhat editable) complex surface blend using uniform b-splines..
[the video from that thread:]
Hi Jeff,
I have Su6 & Su7 and can't read your Su8 skp solution
But I guess you have used something like this way:
Hi Eli,
I recognize with great pleasure your special spirit which works to find the simplest way. Your solution is very clever in its simplicity. I agree with Jeff to think that this way has been used usually in construction.
Hi Bob,
I ask myself if we need a pdf right now? Or may be one including Jeff and Eli solutions !?Hi Pilou,
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
I have discovered the possibility to edit nicely a pdf into Open Office.
I am interested by this sort of operation
"How to modify an existing PDF"In fact I haven't found the possibility to "edit" or modify a pdf within Open Office!
I have just found that we can edit a complex text with pictures and links(+-?) and record it as a decent pdf. Hum! this is not exactly the same.
Dear Jeff,
you show the interest of Uniform B-Spline I have missed until now!!
here page 4 from pdf tutorial relatives to B-Spline and Order parameter:I know your video I have already watched several times
But your tritubes shows also very well the extension of your technique.
(Re I wanted to relate your realization in wood but the pictures are no more available
a tip: when the curve is drawn, right clic and edit curve. Then use tab to call Order parameter and change it without leaving the edit mode until you find the good one++simon
Hey hey! Dear Jim,
You win with the "synthetic" (is it the good word?) simplicity of your solution.
Now that we see it, we ask ourself how can it be possible to have missed it!!I think I have initiate with the worst solution
. Noway it is a good tutorial thread. Very instructive for each one I guess.
Last Jim's solution is perfect if you want not a blend progressive jonction between the 2 ends straight cylindric lines
i was thinking the way Jim did it too, before i got my eyes onto his post.
did i miss something there? like the vertical tube joining that rail and the stair below it?i mean shouldn't that curvy rail on the joining plane have horizontal alignment to each other?
Hi Irwan,
it is silly but I don't understand exactly what you mean (I'm french with low english language)
I have initiated something which is an unnecessary complex solution, and each one had bring his own one, that bringing the interest of the thread.
Whatever, I am still pleased with the result of this unique curve that I had tried to make fitting artistically to the rails...
and also a bit proud of the UV mapping of these barrels made with a little series of phone pictures
Happy New Year
hi Simon
@unknownuser said:
it is silly but I don't understand exactly what you mean (I'm french with low english language)
i know you are French. i always win easily if i play for French in Sid Meier's Pirates
yes, it's a good image indeed. what rendering application did you use for it?
by the way, how is your graphic adapter now? any luck with the artifacts on the screen yet?
happy new year, Simon.
[ed] i think what Elisei did up there is the same thing that Jim did.
Hi Irwan
@unknownuser said:
what rendering application did you use for it?
No rendering in this case. All is simply SketchUp!
@unknownuser said:
by the way, how is your graphic adapter now? any luck with the artifacts on the screen yet?
I'm still searching.
With your Video Memory Test (which is a portable handy little app) I know that my GPU ram is cleanI'm now going to upgrade my video drivers..
You still haven't the reply to your previous question..
With my best, simon.
[ed] congratulation with the test result, Simon. the next step for more comprehensive diagnose then
@simon le bon said:
You still haven't the reply to your previous question..
what question?