Lost the model, Help!!
Some crazy toolbar you got there! How do you get anything done?
Would it be possible to list the tool bars shown. Some look like something I could use.
Thanks in advance
Oh my! You've created a monster! Your screen will explode when the next toolbar-quake occurs!
how long does your SU takes to open?
I have installed a lot of plugins, but I'd say you have them all!!!
BTW, I add to the request of listing them, because I dn't recognise half of them -
wooow.. looks like we need to buy a bigger screen to work with SU 8 hahaha...
Well, using small icons can maybe get you a small area to model on.
Seriously, it would be nice to have a list of what they are.
I can see a few I havent seen before. -
a question i have , as you have loaded so many of the tools do you find that some off them do not function ie the dome in the scf drawtools bar, or the stairmaker 062.rb being canceled out by the scf archi tool bar or the skins from db tools only 2 show up out of the 4 and do not function.if you or anyone else out there has a solution please let me know