[Plugin] Extrude Edges by Loft
Nice work. Thanks!
Yet another, but very helpfull, extension of the (extrude) set.
Thanks very much TIG
erikB -
@tig said:
@rv1974 said:
Super! Thank you TIG so much!
Though it skips segments in the very first try.Without the skp to try I'm unsure what's up...
Are the curves continuous - it would help it they had the same number of segments [although that IS meant to be coped with].
Can you post [or PM me] a skp displaying this glitch ?
I've tested your skp and I agree that the tool has a glitch - for some reason it's missing out a part of the mesh in the latter/earlier stages - the two versions I first illustrate below are by picking the curves in their reverse order - different bits get missed out...
The original has curves with varying edge counts...
In the 'copy' I edited the curves so each has 12 edges [or 24 for the S one] - to make them readily sub-dividable - now it works fine - so it must be a bug in the re-division of the edges to try and get them to match each other - also used in EEbyRails incidentally
I'll debug and get back to you...
In the meanwhile please use curves with more closely related edge counts - they will work... any number SHOULD work...
I see that the problem is that the 6-segment zigzag is being divided into pieces of four to match the 24-segment S-curve BUT at one point it's becoming 1 piece short [3] and at another one too many [5] so that the 'apportionment' of the edges goes wrong and it fails - so at least I have the effect... but now to find the cause
And what logically follows in the ExtrudeTools collection?
It was inevitable. Thank you, TIG -
What would it take to make the resultant mesh into a Bezier mesh? Or am I talking about another tool?
In other words after generating the mesh, you could modify it by Bezier control points that would allow you to pull and stretch the mesh like a rubber sheet, and even unfold some unwanted contortions. -
Thomthom is working on a Vertex-Editor. which I think would become the basis of this editing tool ?
Thanks a lot TIG for this one !!
There's an update of EEbyLoft - see the notes here: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=231016#p231016
Get the tool in the zipped set from here http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=217663#p217663
UNREAL!!!!!! You are the man TIG!!!!
I'm starting really wish you would take these algorithms and write a new plugin to handle making terrains similar to "From Contours" but without the rats nest of a mesh the native tool creates. Your meshes are so smooth. Google needs you on staff immediately with a nice fat salary so you can code to your hearts content!
I don't know if this is another Mac peculiarity but I get very strange results. From three circles (two copies plus an original), when I would expect a cylinder to result, I get this:-
I attach the skp file just in case there is something weird lurking in it.
TIG's plugin's , what else ????
Erased the copies and made the new ones
Fantastic! TIG, thank you very much indeed for these great plugins.
This is really GREAT TIG... and BTW, I want to thank every ruby scripts developpers here again, you're making people happy
On another side while it may be irrelevant in sketchup ?! , what if it was a live loft sort of modifing the profiles( on which the loft volume is created ) and sketchup regenerate automatically the lofted volume. maybe it is too much asked as i'm already very glad to have a loft tool in Sketchup
thanks tig. excellent plugins. actually this set of tools for extrusion is increasingly complete. and further expand the potential of modeling sketchup.
a small observation.
when you select a curve, changes color.
but generates a rare color "Dashedlines" between blue and another colora question
You can set the number of Segments per Section: independently?
or number of Segments per Section: General.
number of segments between the first and last section selectedSpanish translation:
Small Correction
The color 'dashing' is interference between the drawn color and the model's edges - it's pretty much unavoidable - the coloring is only intended to help you remember which curves you you have picked in what order - as ROYGBIV are the rainbow's colors...
You can't currently have different segment-numbers in each section, it's based on the one value you give [which initially defaults as the most segmented curve's edge-count]...
It would be possible to have varying segment counts - I suppose that the dialog could have a section-number entry for each segment defaulting to the maximum number of edges in the pair of curves bounding that section of mesh ? OR it could be a maximum count apportioned across the mesh based on some other factor like the numbers of edges in the curve-pairs...If users would like that I can come up with something ?
Feedback first please...Thanks, I'll look at your ES lingvo for a future update...