Fredo, what can I say...and my parents were telling me that Santa dit not exist !! I'll try it right now and give you some feedback, but I'm already give you my BRAVO !
Fredo, what can I say...and my parents were telling me that Santa dit not exist !! I'll try it right now and give you some feedback, but I'm already give you my BRAVO !
One thing you have to verify is the position of your axes inside the component. The origin of axes must be at the bottom of the geometry in order that the drop works.
Hope it helps.
Hi Fredo,
Splineland is as good as those videos shows, very reactive and powerfull for big landscape datas.
I fully understand your point of view and I know (unforntunatly) sketchup's limitations that prevent from having such a tool in sketchup. That's why we claim for High-poly support in sketchup for so many years...
The good thing is I can import the mesh done with splineland in sketchup, but I'm forced to use 3DSmax...So such a tool in sketchup would be very not very, but very very very very very helpfull !!
So this is more a message to sketchup dev team : you won by the past so many users with landscape capabilities of sketchup, but today landscape datas and project are always more demanding and heavy, so maybe it's time to take it seriously !
Regards, and again thanks to Fredo for your wonderfull tools ! You, ruby devs are rocking the sketchup world !
Edit : Just in case the sketchup dev team don't know how to improve sktechup terrain tools, come to ask me, I spent so many hours trying to find solutions and I'm using it everyday !!
Toposhaper is really great but not enough powerfull or precise for big landscape datas !
I had to find another solution for those big projects
This is the only valuable and reliable solution I found.
Fredo, if you could do something like that for future Toposhaper updates... just a dream...
Congratualations Thomthom, your help here was really significant for us, and no doubt it'll be the same for the SU dev team ! Good luck for this new step of life !!
Hi Fredo,
First feedback on Toposhaper. Nice tool but I'll have two request in order to make it near to perfection :
I tried to edit my points (components) where I replaced the point by a little cross but Toposhaper ignores them as they are too small in comparison of other contours.
Hope I'm clear...I'll do more feedback soon.
Thanks again Fredo.
@alan fraser said:
The fix, for the "can only dock in a single column" problem (it's not a's just that double-width columns are simply incompatible with the new toolbar flexibility) to create new toolbar called Large Toolset 2 (or whatever) and drag every second icon off the large toolset onto that one. Then you can dock them side by side looking exactly the same as before.
I put in a Feature Request for your new icon/toolbar layout to be able to be saved to an external file that can survive a complete re-install of the program...'cos if I'm going to all this trouble, I only want to have to do it once.
Thanks for the clever tip ! Will try that tomorrow !
@dan rathbun said:
Yes .. no more multi-column toolbars. Only single column toolbars are compatible with the new toolbar framework.
It is in the Release Notes for v2013 (... did you read them ?)
Thanks for the info, did not find the time to read it fully !
Yes Pilou,
The problem is that the one column toolbar does not show all icons !! Unless I'm using small icons. But it also depends on screen resolution...After more tests it seems impossible to have a two columns toolbar...what a pity !
Salut à tous,
Je serais à nouveau de la partie cette année, malheureusement sans rien à présenter faute de temps pour préparer ! A vendredi et au plaisir de revoir tout le monde !