New vray
additional spotlight too. i think its faster. still trying to look on material editor. still having difficulty with the amount of multipliers. but overall its an excellent upgrade.
that information is very helpful,
but my problem is i can't activate demo version
please help me thanks ............
@ruturaj said:
that information is very helpful,
but my problem is i can't activate demo version
please help me thanks ............
Contact for license problems and program errors.
@thomthom said:
Contact for license problems and program errors.
Thanks thomthom.............
where is the manual for the new version with all the new improvements?
@edu1987 said:
where is the manual for the new version with all the new improvements?
Being written.
Thomthom, if i have a model in one sketchup file with vray materials made in the material editor, if i copy the model to another sketchup file, will the materials in the material editor transfer from one file to the other? In the older version of vray the materials didn't pass from on file to the other.
with the new version they are transferred. You can make components libraries where V-Ray materials are already set up. And copy between models works as well.
Does the new version has come out, or only the beta? Because when i go to asgvis under 'buy' doesn't mention anything that this is the new vray.
Did you really look?
On the front page, it says in the little speech bubble: "Why am I here? To announce the release of the New V-Ray for Sketchup [...]"
When you click on Software, the next screen says in big letter "Introducing The New V-Ray for SketchUp"
Ditto with the Store section.The new version was released last Wednesday.
I have a problem to install the demo version of vray. can someone help?
use sketchup 7.1 in Spanish
windows xp sp3 in Spanish[flash=853,505:3gkehgnd][/flash:3gkehgnd]
took a look at your video and must say I dont have solution but have you tried to contact: ?
@diego-rodriguez said:
I have a problem to install the demo version of vray. can someone help?
Very odd. Can't see any reason why it would not appear. Contact ASGVis support. Have them look at the video.
I bought the new VRAY as soon as it was out, after having been very pleased with the results of the old version, of which I ran a demo. The new version has a more extensive interface and offers quite a lot of options not available previously. It is generally more complex and less straightforward than the previous version, and the UI looks rather random, if not messy.
Unfortunately, there is no manual as yet, and otherwise too I get the feeling this new version was put on the market too hastily. In my case I get crashes whenever I try to render models of any serious size (models that rendered fine on old vray). There are quite a lot of reports of this and similar bugs on the ASGVIS forums. And even though people there are helpful, I still think you cannot sell a product for nearly $800 (an exorbitant price in any case for a plugin to a program that is basically free!) when it isn't really out of beta yet. At the moment, I would prefer to go back on my purchase and install an older version of Vray.
I'd like to shout out a free tip for all vray users: onve the scene has been set with camera, lights and materials. Before hitting render for the final image, set the view to wireframe.
It should quicken up the asset collection
@martinph said:
Unfortunately, there is no manual as yet, and otherwise too I get the feeling this new version was put on the market too hastily. In my case I get crashes whenever I try to render models of any serious size (models that rendered fine on old vray). There are quite a lot of reports of this and similar bugs on the ASGVIS forums.
Yes - there is an unfortunate number of problems reported. I'm still evaluating if I should stay with the previous version in my office, until some patches has come out.
@martinph said:
I still think you cannot sell a product for nearly $800 (an exorbitant price in any case for a plugin to a program that is basically free!)
V-Ray is V-Ray - it's developed by ChaosGroup and they set the base price. ASGVis just develop the plugin to connect SU to V-Ray. Can't really expect VfSU to be cheaper in SU than in other applications.
@martinph said:
At the moment, I would prefer to go back on my purchase and install an older version of Vray.
If you use an older version you still need the license. And the license for the previous version was the same for the new one.
@wahoowetzel said:
Do you have a list, or is there a running list of problems with the new vray??
No. Don't have any list I'm afraid.
DR isn't working. Material preview not working(?) Some people have problems with renders that won't start. Some have crashes. There are a couple of bug in regard to materials, such as / in the name, and in regard to editing material names without VfSU being loaded. That's what I've picked up on so far. Last time I spoke with them they where hoping to get a patch out real soon.@wahoowetzel said:
I have run in to something else, my sun disappears! When I try to set up my GI and BG environment settings, my TexSky Sun does not allow me to choose the sunlight "plugin". This is true for both my BG and GI settings. FYI, this happened after selecting none for my GI/BG settings, and then I can't get back to my earlier settings. Has anyone else had this problem?
Not had that problem. Haven't actually done anything to the BG and GI settings as the default is that the Sun/Sky is on anyway.
I just tried this myself. Setting BG and GI to none. Do a render. Then setting the Sky back on again. worked fine. -
the new manual should come out double the size of the previous ones there is a lot of things that neeed to be clarified....alot! hope they cover everything in detail people are starting to get annoyed with this new vray, i hope things get better with the manual cause i cant seem to make it work the way i did with the previous version, specially the IES havent tried them cause couldnt make them work!
i know this version will turn out great, just not yet.
Finally upgraded my VFSU today in hopes of a better workflow, better parsing times and excited about alpha transparency support. So far, I am bummed. Tried opening some medium sized scenes to test parsing, but rendering startup is still taking 5-10 minutes to begin. (if it begins at all) I can open the same scene imported into Max and add a few dozen 3D plants and trees (essentially quadrupling the poly count) and the render starts in less than 5 seconds. The transparency feature works, but I wish it didn't involved checking a box for each .png texture. I wish there were perhaps a global switch for .png and .tif files with alpha information. It's a pain with 50 or more plants in a landscape design. Those were the two most important things to me and I'm not too thrilled so far.
I know it will get better in the service release and there are many pluses that overtime will outweigh my minor gripes. I just think they went to market and announced a final product WAY before it was ready.
Also - Anyone know how to make the frame buffer larger? Mine won't expand to full screen and I can't grab a corner of the window to enlarge like the previous version. Right now its only about 300 pixels tall.
Hello ThomThom,
A new problem for me.
I'm create a architecture interior model and apply material wood, tile, glass,etc....
and render in vray for sketchup but fist time render and when i import sofa set
and render click then google sketchup is debug ( again 4 time render it but sketchup is close down ).........
i don't know ......... whats happen ...........please help
.............. Thanks