Model this: 3D Connexion Space explorer
Okay, for the second challenge I thought we should try something that has a 'shape' very unique and will involve some head scratching, looks simple enough and I'm sure to a few guru's here it probably is.
I'd consider this a moderate challenge and a good one for all to play with.
Again, feel free to try anything, please post even if you do not succeed as this is a learning challenge, I am sure many here will help out where they can. -
' for Pete's sake! '
Sorry couldn't resist, nice challenge and I look forward to seeing to 'Guru's' models.
I like this choice for the challenge as the best model will be used for a render challenge, I'm sure you can see the reason this will make a great render challenge.
I normally look around my home for things that will be challenging to model, I have a few other ideas for future challenges, however if y'all have something good that will can be used for these challenges please pm me so I can add them to the list.
Wow, that's gonna take a little time; a real challenge. There's a lot of curves in that thing. "Moderate" you say...
Dear sir,
My dog ate my monitor so I couldnt do my homework!!!!
As Father Jack would say "Arse, Feck, DRINK!!!!"
Frustrating model to try and build without true orthographical blueprints. I've decided to start over. I saved some screen shots as I was modeling to the point I got to. It was going okay, but my geometry started to get a little out of control and I'd like to try a different approach. Here's the results of my first attempt....perhaps someone can expand upon the method. This is definitely a model suited for nurbs!
Great start Adam, I was thinking along the same lines, using 'Booltools' for the intersecting groups.
Definitely challenging Pete. I'm going to try playing with TIG's sweep along rails plugin to see if I can get a cleaner mesh, then booltools as well. TOS & JPP seems to leave me with undesirable mesh. Also thought about SDS, but it will take some trial and error to get right.
Wow, this is a nutcracker.
I don't have a clue how to pull this off to be honest.Adams results are already quite good.
Adam, could you explain the abbreviations VPP and SSB (below the images)? -
VPP could be Vector Push Pull from. Joint Push Pull plugin as for SSB, I thought itwas for Subdivide and Smooth but now you mention it I'm stumped
excellent modeling Adam BTW. Really innovative thinking
Sorry bout the abbreviations. SSB = Soap Skin Bubble and yes VPP = Vector Push Pull.
wow thank you for those screen shots its very easy to follow.
Holy crap I am still working on the first challenge. Guess I will have to hurry up with the first one.
This one looks to be quite a bit above my head for sure.
Funny thing of this design model is that is like a shoe!
Yes maybe the new Tig plug sweep 2 rails can help you on this shoe under the hand
Nice Pete. What did you use to reduce the mesh before SDS?
Nevermind, I see you used Polyreduce. Nice trick to get a clean mesh!!
a not so quick try... a lot of manual stuff with
definitely not impossible to do in sketchup but i would put it near the bottom of the list as the go-to app for doing it
i'm not sure how much further i'll be able to go with this one (i'm already 2.5 hrs in) but i'll clean up some of the mesh and post it here incase someone wants to add on to it..
a couple of bumps in there and the nose is too pointy but it shouldn't be too hard to correct..
Okay, now for a different approach, I made a thumb sucky proxy (as I do for making cartoon characters, by trial and error)
It's not accurate but definitely looks better and smoother.
I have added the basic SDS model if y'all wanna play.