[Plugin] Blend ver 1.12.
This plugins looks great!
What about blend colors too?
Here an example that creates intermediate faces and colors from two existing ones (2 steps).
Of course this is not sketchup, is only a simulation.Daniel S
Great script, i've been waiting for something like this for ages. Couple of odd bugs with circles (v1.4)
seems to miss out a segment when doing a blend
if you create the second circle with a move copy, you often get something like this
Note sure if it me or note. But I tried V3 and was pleased with the results, however, V4 does not seem to display the same results. Note, I dont' have V3 any more, as I copied over the script, so this is from memory.
I particular like how if blended a square to a circle, now every time the output has folds or is not a straight blend from the square to the circle.
yeah, I had a gap between the originating curve and the next intervening step toward the destination curve. Easily knitted together with line tool, and so forth, but just mentioning.
This is a nice plugin, mate! I'm going to play!!!!
Nice plugin! but still needs some tweaking.
I find it first works with a new fresh startup screen. but then the more experimenting I do with Blend the more inconsistant the results become, finally the Bend of the left Y's in the picture did not take place at all.Error; #<NoMethodError; undefined method `vertices' for nil;NilClass> C;/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/sublend.rb;45;in `blend' C;/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/sublend.rb;174 C;/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/sublend.rb;153;in `call'
please don't give up!
Color blending demo video (for Daniel S
[flash=425,344:1ki2zgl4]http://www.youtube.com/v/CqqRssCqONk&hl=ru&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"[/flash:1ki2zgl4]cosycat, please try ver. 1.5. I tried to solve the problem of missing mesh pieces.
tomot, I'll try to find out, what's the problem with rotated Y's...
And speaking about the 3'd curve (the path): looks like, it demands a kind of major refactoring
It is more complex task than I thought and it will take a little time...
I don't want you to misunderstand. This is not only related to the "y" shape. Other shapes have produced the same inconsistent results in SU 7.
another example:
make 2 identical closed shapes, scale one larger, apply bend, same code error occurscheers.
@tomot said:
I don't want you to misunderstand. This is not only related to the "y" shape. Other shapes have produced the same inconsistent results in SU 7.
another example:
make 2 identical closed shapes, scale one larger, apply bend, same code error occursLooks like it is SU7 issue... SU6 processes correctly:
[flash=425,344:1p1mvbbo]http://www.youtube.com/v/1D8WUYsS9hw&hl=ru&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"[/flash:1p1mvbbo]
When processing faces it is necessary to select them by single click (not a fence). -
woooow...it would be a dreamy plugin if no bugs!!..I gave it a try , but it seems that previous versions were better on freehand lines, while the last version doesn't works fine... also on closed line doesn;t works at all (su 6)..seeing forward to see the improvements mate btw thanks thanx thanx!
This is a useful plugin. Well, for me it was until I installed the latest version (1.5). Now I get what you see in the attached screen shot. Unfortunately I installed over the previous version. Keep working at it. I'm sure you'll get it all working.
Thank you.
Thank you for adding color blending
I have problems with this new version too (I use SU7).
Sometimes work with results like the ones Dave R post above.
In other cases the plugin dosen´t do anything and prints this in the ruby console:Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method
back_material' for #<Sketchup::Edge:0x67b7f70>> C:/Archivos de programa/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/sublend.rb:68:in
C:/Archivos de programa/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/sublend.rb:270
C:/Archivos de programa/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/sublend.rb:248:in `call'Daniel S
Dear Kirill,
It might be a good idea to post versions 1.0 to 1.5 as the later versions seem to be problematic. Version 1.0 seemed to work quite nicely. I too have over-written previous versions and so cannot go back a step or two.
Kind regards,
Bob -
Dear Kirill,
Version 5 doesn't seem to work in SU Pro 7, even for simple shapes, but don't give up.
Thanks for posting versions 1.2 and 1.4. I will test them out with areas. Previously, I only tested this plugin with arcs, and that still works in V1.5.
@watkins said:
Dear Kirill,
It might be a good idea to post versions 1.0 to 1.5 as the later versions seem to be problematic. Version 1.0 seemed to work quite nicely. I too have over-written previous versions and so cannot go back a step or two.
Kind regards,
BobThere are three previous versions:
v 1.2
v 1.3
v 1.4
Rename files in sublend.rb
Guys, I don't know yet how to prevent skin (mesh) turning inside out
The point is that script processes vertices with corresponding indices: so maybe flipping normal or 180 degrees rotation (or 90) of one of 2 faces may help.
Missing triangles (they vanished after color blending feature addition) have come back now(ver. 1.6)
Error messages kind of "undefined method `back_material' for... " debugged (I guess).
Dear Kirill,
Here is a quick question. You mention Sketchup 6 in both the first post and in the introduction to your plugin. Does this plugin work well in version 6? Many people have migrated to version 7, although with little added benefit.
Keep going, you are doing a great job.
Kind regards,
Bob -
Thanks for all of the updates, this is really getting there. I have noticed that the result (v6) does depend on the order in which the points are drawn (for closed shapes at least) - this might explain some of the inside out results people are getting.
Quick example, the numbers show the order in which the upper shape points were added
Ver 1.6 demo videos:
Filtration capabilities video:
[flash=425,344:17c3bm6v]http://www.youtube.com/v/Pml0gn-5fuY&hl=ru&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"[/flash:17c3bm6v]Blending between different types of entities demo:
[flash=425,344:17c3bm6v]http://www.youtube.com/v/0gchAp7Yje8&hl=ru&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"[/flash:17c3bm6v]Fixing inside out problem variant:
[flash=425,344:17c3bm6v]http://www.youtube.com/v/6PvRKfzm-g4&hl=ru&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"[/flash:17c3bm6v]
As cosycat mentioned:@cosycat said:
the result (v6) does depend on the order in which the points are drawn