I think it is possible to use "face.classify_point(pt)" method to find/select entities, that "touch" some face.
For intersection I would recommend a method "intersect_line_plane" from Geom class. Face plane can be simply obtained like "face.plane", edge line like "edge.line", then it is possible to get intersection point like "Geom.intersect_line_plane". Finally it might be useful to make sure that intersection point lies inside of a face boundary using "face.classify_point".
Latest posts made by kirill2008
RE: Intersecting Lines or Faces
RE: Working w/ huge files: editing components in separate files?
I also can confirm that using of components as an external reference to represent some parts of a model stored in another file is a popular way to deal with big complex models. Seems to work fine and fairly easy to understand a logic of how it all works (i.e. fairly easy to explain to other team members if needed).
Obviously such approach helps a lot in case if an "assembly model" has some identical parts (for example identical building blocks on some site). After editing of a reference in a separate file update takes effect on all its instances inside a "host" model of course. -
RE: 3D Truss Models
@medeek said:
I'm also curious as to how others have accomplished this with their own plugins.
Hello Nathaniel,
SketchUp Ruby API has a LanguageHandler class: http://ruby.sketchup.com/LanguageHandler.html
I think using of this class is a sort of an official way to implement localization to other languages. I've tried this way and looks like it works fine. However some extension developers prefer to use their own implementations of localization for some reasons. So it is not a some sort of a requirement, I think. -
RE: Skp at +ve tipping point with extensions/plugins
According to my observations there is still much work to be done to claim that "interoperability" between different BIM software is something real (not just a good intention). For now it seems like even big players in the field haven't yet figured out how to provide a way to interact (fully and safely) with objects transferred using IFC format between BIM software of each other.
However progress in this direction never stops, for example I've seen recently a new interesting innovation, which allows to insert a reference to an IFC file into a project, so it is possible to collaborate with engineers, detect clashes etc:Changes in a referenced IFC file can be observed in a project after refreshing (similar to a model inserted into LayOut) as far as I understood.
BTW big players may deliberately restrict interoperability between products of each other to protect their market position maybe (just an assumption though). Maybe it is the reason why progress in this direction is not that fast as we all would like.
I'm not sure how much time it may take to make possible to start working with some IFC file using one software package, then safely continue working with that same file using another software, then save to cloud and proceed editing using third software right in a browser windowOn the other hand I have to admit that different software packages perceive even simple common objects like walls, slabs, openings sometime very differently (provide different ways to create/interact/edit) and such difference obviously affects how information about even basic elements is stored. Standardized data storing format even if it is excessive like IFC still may impose restrictions on certain functionality provided by certain software. So sometimes it feels like even smooth and lossless transfer between different BIM software products is something unachievable by definition not to mention real interoperability.
RE: [Plugin] LSS Toolbar 2.0 Beta
Hello All,
LSS Toolbar is an outdated plugin (as TIG correctly stated) and last version of SketchUp, which LSS Toolbar is compatible with is unfortunately SketchUp 2013.
The point is that I'm not able to continue developing of freeware projects like LSS Toolbar at the moment, so I highly recommend to look for some other alternatives to LSS Toolbar, which have similar functionality. -
RE: [Plugin] LSS Zone
Hello Ray,
I decided to copy my answer in this thread as well. Here is LSS Arch Lite thread where I posted basically the same reply.
I agree about problems with UI in LSS Zone (lack of direction lock using Shift key while drawing and editing for example etc). I added recently a "Zone" tool to a full version of LSS Arch. It basically uses the same logic for zone object as free LSS Zone extension, but utilizes UI logic of LSS Arch (so zone tool behaves basically the same way as other LSS Arch tools, direction lock is available etc). I tested how zone tool works in LSS Arch during a project, which I'm currently involved in at work, and I'm mostly happy with results (I revealed a couple of minor problems in zone tool inside LSS Arch though so fixing is in progress right now and nearest minor update of LSS Arch will contain those fixes).
So now I have an idea to publish new commercial LSS Zone Pro extension, which would utilize UI logic of LSS Arch and drop support of a free LSS Zone extension, because I'm afraid I have no ability to continue developing of freeware projects (at least at the moment). Such new extension can be used in combination with LSS Arch Lite (such combination would provide ability to trace quickly closed spaces bounded by walls). I hope this plan will come true someday.Sincerely,
Kirill -
RE: [Plugin $] LSS Arch Lite - discussion
Hello Ray,
I agree about problems with UI in LSS Zone (lack of direction lock using Shift key while drawing and editing for example etc). I added recently a "Zone" tool to a full version of LSS Arch. It basically uses the same logic for zone object as free LSS Zone extension, but utilizes UI logic of LSS Arch (so zone tool behaves basically the same way as other LSS Arch tools, direction lock is available etc). I tested how zone tool works in LSS Arch during a project, which I'm currently involved in at work, and I'm mostly happy with results (I revealed a couple of minor problems in zone tool inside LSS Arch though so fixing is in progress right now and nearest minor update of LSS Arch will contain those fixes).
So now I have an idea to publish new commercial LSS Zone Pro extension, which would utilize UI logic of LSS Arch and drop support of a free LSS Zone extension, because I'm afraid I have no ability to continue developing of freeware projects (at least at the moment). Such new extension can be used in combination with LSS Arch Lite (such combination would provide ability to trace quickly closed spaces bounded by walls). I hope this plan will come true someday.Sincerely,
Kirill -
RE: [Plugin $] LSS Arch Lite - discussion
Hello Ray,
@facer said:
A. Can LSS Arch Lite be used with Skalp as for LSS Arch?
Yes ability to explode reveals of openings (which allows Skalp to detect empty openings inside walls) was also added to version 1.0.5 of LSS Arch Lite.
@facer said:
B. Could IFC naming be added?
I didn't think that this feature could be required in lite version. In fact I wasn't sure if users of full version will use it extensively. Note that IFC naming implemented in full version just applies corresponding names to selected objects, but it doesn't store implicit geometry of objects, so other software which is able to read IFC recognizes objects as walls, slabs, columns, beams etc, but unfortunately it will not allow to interact with imported objects the same way as if they were initially created in it.
The point is that storing of implicit geometry (for example coordinates of wall's or beam's axis line etc) requires a lot more coding (most likely it is necessary to use some third party IFC library for that purpose). And it requires some more experience in IFC specification itself, than I currently have. So I'm not sure if I'll be able to implement such functionality soon. -
RE: [Plugin] Chronolux for Sketchup
@unearthed said:
DOD3R - have you had a look at this http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=21077 - I haven't played with it yet but the images and discussion look very promising.
Yes I've seen this plugin. I think it might evolve into something really powerful. I didn't test it personally though.
RE: [Plugin] Chronolux for Sketchup
@dod3r said:
Hello Krill,
Can your plug in do this somehow ?Unfortunately plug-in can not estimate daylight in Lux. It can only measure time of direct sunlight and sky view factor.
@dod3r said:
Any plans or info about any of your plug-ins.
I planned to update LSS Toolbar to make it compatible with Extension Warehouse requirements, but due to significant load at my official work I'm not sure when I'll finally complete this task.