[Plugin] Multi face offset
It's the simple things that are often the most complicated !
[¡Se trata de las cosas simples que a menudo son las más complicadas!] -
And seems Protrude by Jim Foltz makes the same and more!
A veritable Smörgåsbord of repeated functionality
Thx for this new curious name -
Smörgåsbord is a swedish word.
Be possible. After applying offset. be selected the new drawing?
then able to apply, for example, multiple Push Pullsorry for my English. Thank you
"Pilou" You're right, thank you very much
@unknownuser said:
After applying offset. be selected the new drawing?
Protrude above can make that , just offset= 0 after use it and enable Height = that you want
Only Protrude keep the selectionProtrude is a very funny plug!
For Push Pull multiple in general you can also use Joint Push Pull by Fredo6 or Projection2 by Didier Bur
But both lost the selection!
Hi Remus, first thanks for the useful script - i found out the offset may end reversed at times
So it does. I dont suppose youve found what causes it? Whatever it is, i suspect it is a bug in offset.rb, it would be good to be able to pass it on to rickw, though.
the hunch, says it may be something to do with the direction of the lines (start-end-front-back business..) - but i could not spot the pattern for sure yet
Remus, couple of icons if needed..
I dont know how to do toolbars
I'll give it a go, though, those icons are too nice to waste
i think it's something along these lines.. check out Chris's loft or other tools - they will make sense
if !file_loaded?(__FILE__) then toolbar = UI;;Toolbar.new "RTK" cmd = UI;;Command.new("Offset Multiple Faces (Remus Knowles)"){RTK.multi_face_offset} cmd.small_icon = "RTK/moffset_16.png" cmd.large_icon = "RTK/moffset_24.png" cmd.tooltip = "Offset Multiple Faces" toolbar = toolbar.add_item cmd end
Hey All!
Does anyone has this fantastic plugin working in version 8?! I installed offset.rb and the latest Multifaceoffset.rb but only the input dialogue appears and it doesn't do anything...
Thank you!
Pep....or does anyone know how to offset multi faces in another way?!
@pep75 said:
Hey All!
Does anyone has this fantastic plugin working in version 8?! I installed offset.rb and the latest Multifaceoffset.rb but only the input dialogue appears and it doesn't do anything...
Thank you!
Pep....or does anyone know how to offset multi faces in another way?!
It works fine in v8 for me [and others].
Have you tried running it with the Ruby Console open to see error messages.
It seems to be failing after the dialog, so probbaly an 'offest' error/deficiency...
You need both theMultifaceoffset.rb
and theoffset.rb
in the main Plugins folder... -
Hey TIG, Thanks!
I already placed the both *.rb files in the main plugins folder, just as usual...And I got the following error message in the Ruby Console but that is Chinese to me!
I don't know what's wrong?
What are the sizes of your box's faces and what size offset are you entering in the dialog - it might be that the face won't offset if there will be no result... How do you enter the offset exactly ? Can you take a screen-shot of the dialog just before you press OK...
This is a very simple few line script by Remus, it has very few things that could go wrong... -
Hey Tig,
The size of the box is given in the capture en the amount of offset is 150mm...It has always done the trick...Can you mail me the offset.rb and the multifaceoffset.rb you are using?
Thanks for your time!
I have PM'd the two files...