[Plugin] BezierSpline - v2.2a - 22 Apr 21
...is there a way to divide a curve by an equal number of segments or am i talking a different plug in?
thanks a lot fredo. it is great to find everything in one place. now I can be sure to have the latest version
@cadfather said:
...is there a way to divide a curve by an equal number of segments or am i talking a different plug in?
interesting question indeed (although I believe we should just read your manual
Thank you
Thanks Fredo, very useful!
great tool!
great update!
thank you!!! -
@plot-paris said:
interesting question indeed (although I believe we should just read your manual
you're right there PlotParis, i do read 'too fast' sometimes..
so i went and reread it but what i am looking for is not the precision parameter (think that's what you mean) - rather a way of dividing the spline.. perhaps like we do for a simple line (right click, divide) or by input box.
when i change the precision points and then explode the curve - the split segments do not match the change.
the idea is to use the bezier curve for flightpath - the option of changing the division would give a handle on smoother frame transitions etc..
am i on a path?
CadFather, I have to admit, I didn't mean anything. just had the situation several times, that I was looking for some function with fredo's plugins for hours - but everything was explained in detail in his superb manuals
ah, I see, you want to use it for flightpath. I think to have an even distribution of segments is not necessary, for flightpath automatically adjusts each scene transition time to match a constant speed (at least flightpath2 does it).
I tend to reset these modified times to default (with the TimeTransitionEditor script of the Presentation bundle (14$ at smustard) so that I can influence the animation speed with differing segment distribution along the curve...but nonetheless I would appreciate a tool that creates an even distribution of segments throughout the whole curve. would come in quite handy sometimes. if you extrude the shape to have a curved wall for example. if all the segments are the same length it is far easier to use the same window component on this wall...
Thanks for this great plugin.
For me, one of the huge benefits is that it is now possible to draw much better with Sketchup. The normal Freehand draw tool in Sketchup is, quite frankly, pretty much useless. Now there's no need to use the Freehand tool, the Cubic Bezier Curve works so much better.
yes... at the moment i am doing exactly the same with PresBundle - but suppose you have a path with curves, knowing the constant segment of each camera can be useful.. (i'd love the same ease as 'divide')
when you reach the curve, splitting in two gives half transition time without having to try it out firstanother use is the copy along path, since it behaves a bit different when copying by spacing and by nodes.. surely more would follow.. interesting.. hope Fredo's loves the idea too.. for now this is all Fredo Grace!
..and thanks for the manual!
@cadfather said:
...is there a way to divide a curve by an equal number of segments or am i talking a different plug in?
The answer should be YES.
If you have a curve, generated by BezierSpline or from native Sktechup, you can convert it to a Polyline with equal segments by 2 methods which are delivered as part of BezierSpline (via the contextual menu "Convert to":1) %(#0000BF)[**Polyline Divider**]: you specify the interval, and the extension computes the number of segments 2) %(#0000FF)[**Polyline Segmentor**]: you specify the number of segments, and the extensions computes the length of segments
Note that all segments will be equal, except possibly the last one (but you can adjust the last vertex anyway).
Here is an example: On the left is a regular B-Spline. On the right, the curve converted by PolyLine Divider. You can modify the interval by typing TAB and setting the value in the dialog box appearing.
Hope this helpsFredo
Many Thanks Fredo ..that will do just fine for now.
(think i'm going to make a request for curve divider)
fantastic, fredo! it is really great. every time I am looking for some function of your bezier curve tool, it already exists.
(and surely we would have found out ourselves, if we read your manual carefully
what do we learn from that? READ FREDO'S MANUALS!!!) -
..and he actualy writes them really well!
THANKS A WHOLE LOT for the update!
Thanks! Your plugins are awesome and quite appreciated, not to mention as useful as anything in SU.
Again, Thank You!
Ashy -
so a gorgeous plugin!!
hi fredo,
i followed your instructions but something is not right as i do not get the cubic bezier curves in any way. please have a look at the attached images. i am on mac.
It seems you got the same Mac OS issue (or Podium related) as Kannonbal.
See this thread http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=15182. You'll find a modified version of the script.I still don't understand what was going on by the way, and any clarification from Mac users would be helpful for the future.
it worked. thanks!
the only remaining issue is that although the polyline segmentor function is working (and it shows in the contextual menu) its icon does not show in the toolbar. i had a look in the script's folder and there was no icon for it there. am i missing something?