the smoothing was the it now! thanks!!
Latest posts made by zdphotos
RE: Item connected to another one
Item connected to another one
I am creating a bathroom scene. I created a bathtub by making a rectangle on the floor and pulling it up, then offset and push down in the middle. worked well.
the problem is that now it is all connected to the floor, so that I can't select only one particular face of the bathtub or only choose the floor. I discovered this when I attempted to paint a color on the tub and it painted the floor as well.
See attached model.
any ideas?
RE: Hypercosm Teleporter install not working
holy crap, I just got an email back from Abe Megahed at Hypercosm. He explained that since I'm running the free version of SU, no sort of exporting tools will work. The error message leaves alot to be desired, but I'm grateful to him for his explanation.
RE: Hypercosm Teleporter install not working
update: I noticed the "check for updates" option in SU wasn't working, so I assumed a broken install. I completely uninstalled SU 6 and reinstalled. Had to also reinstall SU Podium.
Still no joy when running the Hypercosm Teleporter install. very strange.
Hypercosm Teleporter install not working
I have downloaded Teleporter for use with SU 6. when I kick off the install, it immediately pops up an error message that indicates SU isn't installed.
I tried downloading SU 6 again. When I run it, it gives me 3 options, I choose repair and let it run. I still get the same error message from the Teleporter install when I attempt to install it.
any ideas?
RE: Easiest way to creat a sky for rendering?
as a follow-up, I located a skydome but when I import it around my building, it basically eliminates the sun so I can't really see anything...everything is dark. is there a way around that?
Easiest way to creat a sky for rendering?
I'm slowly getting beyond the basics in SU, and I'm starting to play around with rendering in Podium.
As such, I would like to add some clouds or some sort of sky seen through the window of a room. what is the best way to do this?
I've thought about just creating a face outside of the window and applying a "sky" texture...would that work?
thanks in advance!
RE: Auger blade
well, I'm pretty much a total design beginner, so I don't even know how to draw the line that the follow me tool would follow...
RE: Auger blade
here is a link to something like what I have in mind...but it says it was made using another program and imported. I'm wondering what the method would be in SU
Auger blade
any tips on making an auger or fan-type of blade that rotates around a central cylinder? I'm struggling!