Updating the lib plugin did help but I still had to revalidate all my licenses again. No worries. It's working now.
Updating the lib plugin did help but I still had to revalidate all my licenses again. No worries. It's working now.
Hi All,
I purchased the Fredo Bundle back in the summer - the perpetual license for the bundle and a few others that were not included in the bundle. However, Tools on Surface has given me a warning that the license is expiring, and now none of the plugins will work. Some will activate after multiple clicks of their icons, but most will not. I can't find a way to get to the ruby updater that sometimes loads with a new session.
Any idea how to contact Fredo or the manager of the license? I purchased it through the plugin window inside SketchUp.. I think. It was rushed and a long time ago.
Hi Fredo - I purchased the license set, but the scflicense file is for "Round Corner" instead of Fredo Corner which as I understand it is the more up to date version of the plugin. Any help on this? When trying to validate the license the software will not recognize the scflicense file.
Hi All,
I’m kind of stuck on a Dynamic Component I’m trying to build. I’m trying to build a Dynamic Logo with multiple Sizing/Layer Dimension functions AND Material Preset functions based on a Brand Guide. For this example I’ve been working with TCU’s logo because there’s only 4 Brand Colors to choose from.
The problem is I’m not super familiar with the CHOOSE and OPTIONINDEX functions. I’m attaching the SketchUp file below with a stab at trying to get it to work in one of the components.
So to help narrow you down, I’m trying to create a Dynamic Logo that can change between 10 Preset Color Configurations AND be able to switch between Gloss, Matte, Emissive, and Metal Logo Material types.
So ideally I’d be able to select “Gloss” from the Material Type Drop Down in Options, and then Select “2-Color, Purple, Black” so that it returns a 2 Color Logo with the Gloss Material Set showing on the face.
You can see the materials are all labeled uniquely and placed in the individual objects so that the Material Function references them. But I can’t seem to get the Material to reference anything beyond “TCU_PURPLE_Matte”
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know it’s a pretty big ask but hopefully it’s not as complicated as I think it’ll be.
Hi Everyone,
I've got a coworker that's experiencing some issues with a SketchUp file we converted from a Revit file. It's sitting around 110 MB so it's kinda large but they're running a brand new iMac Pro with 64 GB of RAM and the 10-core CPU so it shouldn't be the computer. I converted the Revit file and have since reworked it to clean it up even further since multiple people have worked in it - that was Tuesday.
We were looking at things like the WebCache folder and such but I'm not knowledgeable enough to just say "delete it" because I'm curious to know if certain plugins or functions will quit working. I read up on the Chromium stuff that they implemented but I'm still a little fuzzy on it.
Symptoms: Very Slow when selecting, Painting, etc. Navigation doesn't seem to be affected. But I watched them trying to paint a surface and it took an inordinate amount of time to switch tools. We've resized the textures to cut down on file size but it doesn't seem to have an effect.
It runs flawlessly on my computer but I can't necessarily say it's a computer issue because it's just the one file according to them.
They said that after booting their computer on Wednesday after I cleaned it again, the file was working normally, but by the end of the day it was back to running poorly.
So.. I guess if anyone has any advice or tips for this then I'm all ears. I think the last resort is to copy everything to a new, blank file, and be selective about what goes and what stays. It's entirely possible that another designer on the project broke it somehow. We have a few people here that are really good at breaking models
@pilou sorry about that. Here's a link to one such instagram video. As you can see he creates the truss for the frame with lines then right clicks and something-something-something creates the frame with a consistent shape.
1,548 likes, 39 comments - archi.talk on December 17, 2018: "Nice tutorial guys . . @nascimento.hm . . . #Arsitektur #mahasiswaarsitektur #designer #mimari #arsitekturindonesia #sketchup3d #sketchuptutorials #3dmodeling #architecture #archilovers #sketchup #kuliaharsitektur #architects #architecturemodel #architectureschool #tutorialmenggambar #sayembaradesain #modelmaking".
Instagram (www.instagram.com)
Hey Guys,
This is just a general question. I've seen it several times in various instagram posts of those sped up architecture builds in SketchUp where someone builds a crazy parametric structure in sketchup. But I'm having trouble nailing down which plugins they use because of the insane speed they're shown in.
Anyone got a plugin suggestion for creating geometry along a series of lines? For example I've seen where somone draws out the shape of a truss or structural beam with lines. Then they activate a plugin that creates a consistent shape along that whole set of lines. Kinda like Follow Me but you can control the size.
I've tried the 1000 Bit tools extension but it creates a flattened structure across the total volume of the shape I'm trying to build off of. I'll attach screenshots below.
Is there a way to create something that's not just a 2D profile but 3D?
Hey Driven,
I pulled this up on my laptop and ran into the same issue. I'm running SketchUp 17 and the plugin didn't do anything. Am I missing anything?
I'm running into the same issues as Smicha. I'm trying to import a DWG file because the SketchUp import is taking so freaking long. However I have the Ruby console pulled up and then when I select the DWG a window pops up and then disappears. The first time it created a notepad file that said "No Suitable Reader Found"
Any ideas?
Hey Guys,
Thanks for the info, I think I may have goofed and mistaken a simple override as an error. I've now learned that if something is already a group and you try to Cmd+G it the default is Make Component... So it looks like I reset my hotkeys for no reason facepalm
After a few minutes things were back to normal - I had ended up creating duplicate shortcuts for things. Next time I won't be in such a rush.
Anyways, Thanks again,
Hello Everyone,
So I'm on a Macbook pro using SketchUp Make 2017 because I'm cheap and can basically find plugins for all the Pro features (shoutout to all the developers on this site - a million thanks)
I usually use the shortcut "CMD+G" to make something a group. The default SketchUp shortcut for components if the G key so that's what I set it up as. I've had this shortcut pretty much ever since I began using SketchUp on my Mac.
Today, this morning, while I was in the process of modeling something the CMD+G defaulted to "Make Component" instead of "Make Group". The G key still does what it's supposed to - but now my "Make Group" shortcut has switched to "Make Component". This all happened in a matter of minutes - I didn't close and reopen anything I literally used the original shortcut minutes before and now it's been replaced.
To make matters worse it's now preventing me from using the CMD key on any other shortcuts - which means all the other shortcuts that I had set now have to switch to SHIFT or OPT in order to make them work again.
Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Any ideas? I would greatly appreciate any advice. I've been getting an update notification here in the last few days so maybe that has something to do with it.
Any update on this plugin? I'm using SketchUp Make because I can't justify getting a Pro license in my own mind yet. This would definitely help.
I have installed Visualizer 1.3 and it works with 2015 (on MAC OS). However there are two issues.
The first, is that anytime I close out of the program while modeling it generates a crash report.
The second issue is that it doesn't appear in the Library/Application Support/SketchUp2015/SketchUp/Plugins folder which means I can't copy the Visualizer folder or the ruby file over to the SketchUp 2016.
Anyone have any ideas? Anything would help. Thanks in advance.
I have LibFredo6 - v6.3a on my mac now. I'm trying to get Curviloft so that I can use it but can' figure out how to actually use the plugin. I install it like I installed the LibFredo app but it won't appear anywhere other than the extensions window and I can't find the toolbar. What am I missing?