@pbacot said:
er may a newbie interject? What is the meaning of "proxy" in this context? Why is it useful?
Note the rough, angular image of the seagull head in the left background of the picture of the three heads. That's the proxy for the center image. I only had to draw that much, then SubSmooth took it to the next step (the center image). SubSmooth subdivided every polygon in the proxy, smoothed it, then did it again a second time. SubSmooth is like a "magic wand," and the folks here like to "see the proxy" rather than see only the finished image, because they like to see the magic*.
That said, even creating the proxy is hard for me. Getting my head (and eye) around actually drawing organic shapes in 3D is a completely new experience for me, and I'm really enjoying it.
*Magic is provided by Whaat, proxy is provided by Teezer. YMMV...