Skalp is an easy to use yet powerful Live Section Tool. Packed with key features, it is the missing link to realize a long standing dream: to go all the way from preliminary design to stunning construction documents, all within SketchUp!

Latest posts made by Skalp
RE: [Plugin] Skalp for SketchUp v2.0 (live section plugin)
RE: [Plugin] Skalp for SketchUp v2.0 (live section plugin)
@juju said:
I see that SKALP version 2.0.0135 is available on the sketcUcation pluginstore, on the SKALP website the latest is version 2.0.0124 and the one on EW seems to be even older (v2.0.0062). When installing the latest version, nothing is mentioned under Release Notes about the newer version number?
I'm hoping Guy (or someone from SKALP) could elaborate here.
Correct SketchUcation has a newer version!
We need to update the version on our own download page, but first we are doing some extra fixes.
We need to fix somethings before EW will update to the newest version, EW still has the old 1.2 version.
The Skalp Team
RE: [Plugin] Skalp for SketchUp v2.0 (live section plugin)
@utiler said:
Nice work, Guy and to all your team! You guys are really changing the way we can present documentation with some exciting things to come.
Merry Christmas to you all!!Thank you! And nice to hear I get a team to help me developing Skalp for Christmas
If you don't know, Skalp is just a two men company and we are located in Belgium. -
RE: [Plugin] RichSection V0.5.8 UPDATED march 2015
@dimitri972 said:
Most of Skalp section materials are free on 3d warehouse. You can combine them with this plugin for amazing result. And don't forget to make group or component before taking section.
Actually this plugin is crashing in many situation but it is still usefull plugin.Skalp section materials are intended to be used with Skalp. Skalp materials are much more then just textures.
The Skalp team
RE: [Plugin] RichSection V0.5.8 UPDATED march 2015
@pilou said:
2 trivial questions
Does the Skalp material can be used as normal material for any facades surfaces ?Does SKalp is existing in French ?
Yes Skalp materials can be used like normal SketchUp materials.
At this moment there isn't a French version. But we are working on translations at this moment.The Skalp Team
RE: [Plugin] Skalp for SketchUp v2.0 (live section plugin)
We are glad to announce Skalp for SketchUp 1.2, a nice first Christmas present to all our users!
This update looks like a minor update, but it isn't. To meet the specs of the SketchUp Extension Warehouse we had to rewrite a lot of code to workaround some SketchUp API limitations. Now this is done we get to focus on new features and improvements, but first we want to show you what we have done:@unknownuser said:
NEW: Easy fog setting tool. From the Skalp options menu a new Fog Settings section allows to define and activate SketchUp's fog at a distance relative to an activated Skalp section. This feature only works whenever your sectionplane is parallel to the viewport.
@unknownuser said:
Changed: Way better support for SketchUp's UNDO/REDO operations. This represents some major rewrite work in Skalp's code. Changes are also made to the way Skalp links it's sectionplanes to each scene. Older Skalp models will be converted to the new format automatically. In some cases it might be necessary to relink a Skalp section to a Scene manually.
@unknownuser said:
Improved: Skalp materials for different scales are no longer stored multiple times in the model. Scales are now using applied using UV mapping. Older Skalp sections will be converted to the new format upon first recalculation.
Change: Skalp patterns are now always stored in the model at a printscale of 1:1 Different drawing scales are based on and use this same pattern using UV mapping to implement the actual print scale on the model.
@unknownuser said:
Improved: Skalp in-section edit tool now allows selection of nested component instances and groups. This eases assignment of Skalp patterns to nested objects.
@unknownuser said:
Fix: Foreign language/special characters are now supported on Skalp section names, layer names, material names, tags and Skalp pattern names.
@unknownuser said:
NEW: Save a Skalp Style to a file and load this Skalp Style to an other scene or an other model.
@unknownuser said:
Skalp is now signed as a trusted extension for use on SketchUp 2016.
We are working hard on new features and improvements. New things must be tested: shortly we'll need extra beta testers for Skalp 1.5. One major new feature in Skalp 1.5 beta will be forward views included in DXF exports. If you can help us with testing this much improved and long requested feature in Skalp DXF export, please contact us at
We are always looking for awesome projects and user stories. If you like to share your Skalp experiences with the rest of the world please send your coolest examples to Christmas and a happy New Year!
The Skalp Team
RE: SU7: Sketchup#set_status_text() broken on Mac
@adamb said:
Anyone got any good ideas as to how to get around this bug in SU7?
Basically, if you have a Ruby that is working hard and wants to show progress by updating the status text in the lower left, in SU7 on Mac its broken
(bug logged SU-0282).
Now I guess it will get fixed sometime, but in the meantime I'm trying to find a way of encouraging the window to refresh.
A quick demo of what the bug is, is to run the following at the Ruby console:
5.times {Sketchup.set_status_text rand(); sleep 0.5}
On PC, it updates the status text, on Mac it only shows the last one when the loop is completed.
Any ideas gratefully received!
We have found a solution for this problem. If you put the actions inside a UI.timer, the set_status_text can be updated between the timers.
Kind regards,
RE: SU7: Sketchup#set_status_text() broken on Mac
SU2016 and still not fixed?
RE: [Plugin] Skalp for SketchUp v2.0 (live section plugin)
@cadmunkey said:
@skalp said:
What function do you need for this project. We will very soon start with a beta problem.
The Skalp Team
The improved DXF export for sure. From the v1.5 preview video it looks like it will export entire elevations now and not just the section cut? Perfect for interior views.
I also wanted the Thea section cut renders, but after I posted I tried it on my existing model and that feature already works! I never knewYes the dxf exports sections including the front hidden lines, also in perspective mode. This new feature only works on SU2016. Send me an email if you like to become a beta tester for this feature.
RE: [Plugin] Skalp for SketchUp v2.0 (live section plugin)
@cadmunkey said:
@jql said:
Will we be able to export Skalp patterns that we manually painted on faces? Will it be this that will make me finally jump to skalp?
You havent got Skalp yet?? You should have taken advantage of their black Friday sale a couple of weeks back. Wouldnt use sketchup without it now.
Any idea on release date of 1.5? I am working on a project now that could definitely use some of the new features!
What function do you need for this project. We will very soon start with a beta problem.
The Skalp Team