Hello Rafa,
We can't animate a section plane alone but this is on our to-do-list. At the moment you can include the section plane in a group and move that group but in that case you can only hide objects inside the group so it is limited.
Another method which in some case would be even more efficient that using a section plane is to use the transformation "visibility": for instance for your origami when each time a step is finished, you will just have to make it invisible and make the next step visible.
To control the timing of the visibility, just use a signal generator.
Then, as the signal generator gives a number between 0 and 1 and as the visibility needs a boolean (true/false) in input, you need to use a threshold which converts a number into a boolean.
This is very clear with the example attached to my post: I have done the 4 first steps of your model with that method.
What do you think of this?
SimFonIA Team
Use of visibility