SAT(SimFonIA Animation Tools) is a plugin created by SimFonIA which enables you to animate SketchUp scenes. Your animations can be defined directly in SketchUp or driven by data files. The tool can handle groups in a hierarchy and its ease of use will allow you to express your creativity.
SAT is composed of different tools:
- Transformation Processor: For each group in the hierarchy, it is possible to change the following attributes over the time:
o Position, rotation, translation, orientation, scaling.
o Color, visibility
SAT offers an interactive method to achieve all these actions in a simple and quick way. These actions can be performed on all groups of the hierarchy of the scene what allows relative motion between objects. Each graphical attribute and each transformation can be driven by the time, by an internally generated signal or by variables from a data file.
- Keyframe Editor provides an interpolation between keyframes during the animation. The defined sequences can be executed: once, several times, loop, round-trip and with a configurable start delay. These keyframe sequences can be controlled with the simulation time or with variable from a data file. There are three types of keyframes:
o Deformation: surface distorsion by changing vertices position inside a group.
o Animation: definition of groups position
o Camera: definition of view points
- Exportation allows to export directly a SketchUp animation in a video or for a WebGL site
o Videos: An easy-to-use interface lets the user choose the resolution, the duration and number of frames per second.
o WebGL site: All SimFonIA customers have at their disposal a free website to host, display and distribute their 3D animations in the WebGL format. Thus the 3D animations can be manipulated through internet.
- Bullet is a physic engine (i.e. which handle gravity and collisions effects) that was interfaced with SketchUp. Different behaviors and bounding box can be defined for each level 0 groups. Groups can be linked by articulations that can have up to six degrees of freedom (3 translations and 3 rotations) and variable stiffness.This tool is used to easily create classical links such as links pivot, slide, springs etc.
Many other functionalities are embedded in SAT, the free trial version of the plugin and its documentation are downloadable at Some examples and tutorials are available on our YouTube channel: The free trial version of SAT also includes a trial version for another add-on developed by SimFonIA:
-Character animation: SCA (SimFonIA Character Animation) is an add-on of SAT which allows quick creation and management of skeletons in order to animate 3D characters. This function is based on BVH files ("Biovision Hierarchy Animation File") that contain 3D motion capture data.
Looking forward to seeing what you will do with it, we remain at your disposal to provide all the information you need.
Best regards,
Important Notes
For now, "SimFonIA Animation Tools” is only available for Microsoft Windows (from XP to Seven) and SketchUp 8 and higher.