[Plugin] SAT: animation plugin - Give life to your models!
@simfonia_team said:
do not miss this opportunity
Hi I tied not to miss this, but now I'm confused if it will all works on mac?
Error Loading File /Users/johns_iMac/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/simfonia/SimfoniaLoader.rb (eval);18;in `require'; no such file to load -- /Users/johns_iMac/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/plugins/simfonia/PhysicControl/RubyControllerInterface.dllError Loading File simfonia.rb (eval);18;in `require'; no such file to load -- /Users/johns_iMac/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/plugins/simfonia/PhysicControl/RubyControllerInterface.dll
There's no obvious[to me] warning that it won't...
Edit: I just had time to revisit the site, to see if I'd missed the 'doesn't work on mac' warnings, and they are not there, I think they should be, I did leave a contact message so I guess I'll get a reply...
Hello Driven,
I regret to announce that indeed the SAT plugin does not work on MAC. As specified in the first page of the installation manual, the plugin works under windows XP to seven, and Version 8 or higher of SkecthUp.
You're right, it does not appear clearly on the website and we will fix it. If you have purchased a paid version without the proper configuration we will fix the problem simply with the message on contact.
Unfortunate that you can not try the SAT beast...
Cheers for the reply,
I've been an avid follower since first announcements, and when i saw the 'offer' had some spare 'xmas' cash I thought I'd jump right in, I didn't read the installation instructions...
Sort out the mac version, please!!!john
ps I want it for stuff like this, so I can do them better...
Hi all,
Normally, the problem was solved this morning, hoping that you are not too disappointed.
@driven said:
Sort out the mac version, please!!!
I also believe that it would be a good idea, especially as many architects (who are mainly SU users) use MAC. The problem is mainly due to the use of dll to read the data contained in the scenario files, but it is not on our close agenda; the priority is rendering. But we like apple pie )).
I must confess that I find it hard to understand the function of the object you posted in video. Our hypothesis is that it is a system for climbing ropes?
In all cases it seems quite feasible for SAT!@sketchucation world
We worked with Pilou to see what is the learning curve of our plugin. It results in the quick-start guide posted above and a series of video tutorials that Pilou has kindly made (sorry it is in the language of Molière ^ ^).
http://moiscript.weebly.com/discret.html -
@simfonia_team said:
Normally, the problem was solved this morning, hoping that you are not too disappointed.
Hi, thanks, got the email, any news on when a mac version will be available?
@unknownuser said:
I must confess that I find it hard to understand the function of the object you posted in video.
exactly why I keep looking for better ways of demonstrating this type of object...
@unknownuser said:
Our hypothesis is that it is a system for climbing ropes?
originally, it was designed as a filament (soft 3mm 'plastic' cord) feed mechanism for a ''RepRap' style additive 3D printer. The Miga Motor is the size of a credit card.
@unknownuser said:
In all cases it seems quite feasible for SAT!
I was editing my answer when you wrote your message :
@unknownuser said:
I also believe that it would be a good idea, especially as many architects (who are mainly SU users) use MAC. The problem is mainly due to the use of dll to read the data contained in the scenario files, but it is not on our close agenda; the priority is rendering. But we like apple pie )).
I don't know if this has been covered yet, but will animated sequences export in pbx?
This is a very good news for MAC users: SAT, our SketchUp plugin for 3D animation, has been successfully tested on a Macbook Pro 2010 (OS X 10.8.2) with a “windows virtual machine”.
To illustrate this, here is a video showing the installation of SAT on a MAC using the VM "Parallels Desktop for Mac 8". Now you can use SAT on your favorite computer!
@dickorama said:
I don't know if this has been covered yet, but will animated sequences export in pbx?
Hello Dickorama,
I do not know the .pbx format, you can tell me more?
Hello everybody!
We are proud to announce that the new release V1.1 of SAT is available.
You can download it in our website http://www.simfonia.fr/SATThis release contains 3 new functions:
- copy/paste the transformations from a group to another
- find and replace a text inside the transformations
- the Clone processor for quick duplication of groups
The following video is a tutorial for the Clone processor. Other video tutorials will come very soon!
SimFonIA Team
Below is a tutorial which illustrates another function available in the new release V1.1 of SAT.
This function allows to quickly copy the transformations applied to a group to another groups.
This can save a lot of time if you wish to build a model where many different groups have the same motion.You can download SAT V1.1 in our website http://www.simfonia.fr/SAT
For users that already have an account, you just have to log on your existing account and download it again.We are looking forward to seeing your animations!
SimFonIA Team -
Hello everyone!
Last but not least, here is the third and last function available in the new release V1.1 of SAT.
This function allows to quickly find and replace the text used to define the transformations of your groups.
In this tutorial we also show how you can use of a data file (a simple text file which contains data, for instance a scenario of the animation) to drive the transformations.
Dedicated tutorials on data files and other basic functions will come soon.
SimFonIA Team
Does the "Copy" function works also with Rotation, Size, Deformation etc...
Hi Pilou,
The copy function works only for the transformation processor, not for keyframes. Thus, it will work for rotation and size but not for deformations. You'll see it is very practical ;o). If I remember correctly you have a version V1.0, it is necessary that you re-downloaded the plugin for the new fonctionalities.
Cool it's yet not so bad
I will see that as soon a possible -
Hello everyone!
Recently many users warned us that the extension SCA (animation of characters) didn't work correctly with the demo version.
This bug has been fixed today!
You just have to log on our website, download and install SAT again to be able to test SCA with the demo version.
Below we remind the procedure for reinstallation of SAT.
http://www.simfonia.fr/SAT/documentation/en/SAT_V1_Installation_en_V1.08.pdf -
Hello Everybody,
The new version of SAT 2013 (V2.0) compatible with SKP 2013 is finally available!
Just log in to your account on http://www.simfonia.fr/SAT and re-download your version of SAT to get this new release.SimFonIA Team!
Now I can install SketchUp 2013 again and new features are great as well!
very impressive stuff... now I just have to figure out why I need it.
Hello Krisidious,
A quick look on the examples of our youtube channel might help you finding inspiration
http://www.youtube.com/user/SimFonIATeamSimFonIA Team