Slicer Intro Animation
Hi, I just made this intro for a friend named Slicer who Streams games on twitch & post YouTube videos. This was modeled in SketchUp & Animated with SimFonIA Animation Tools plugin.
Here are the SketchUp files with animation settings for anyone that would be interested... is Slicer links... the record the characters are from popular indie games and although they were modeled & animated by me I didn't designed them so since this is Fan Animation I did not charged money to create this.
Hello Rafael,
Great job as usual. I just watched your sketchup files: you're a sick man)). New projects in mind? Do not hesitate especially if you need advice
Hello Rafael,
I watched your sketchup model. It is great! I just have a comment : the keyframes are not the best thing to use for making complete rotations. Due to interpolation, you have to either correctly define the axes of the object (the object "coordinate system") or to create many keyframes for avoiding strange behavior.
So I suggest you try to use the "transformation processor" and to define a "Rotation".
Just look at this sketchup file which contains a simple example : a cube rotates around its center. You will see the difference of behavior between keyframes and transformation processor and the importance of the axes in case of the keyframes.
What I call "object coordinate system" is simply the position and orientation of its red, green and blue axes (named X,Y,Z in SAT)
I hope this will help you!
You are right "transformation processor" would of been much better choice but for some reason I liked the strange behavior I got from key-frames so I keep it. I need to find out if you can use Delta time before first play & delta after last play on the transformation setting like you can in key frame editor.
At the moment I have couple things in mind to animate we will see....As always thanks for your input.
If you guys have more --Free Transformation Files I can study I would be very great full. I tent to learn code by reverse engineering stuff
There are 2 different ways to "control" the transformation settings like you can in the key frame editor:
You can use the "Signal generator” to define a signal which will control the value of your rotation or translation. The signal generator is described in the following document (§3.2):
Here is a simple example to prove that contrary to appearances it is easy to handle : -
You can also write a scenario in a CSV file to control the value of your rotation or translation (Data file reading is one of the greatest strength of SAT). I have attached a simple example in my post.
The utilization of data files is described in this document (§2):
SimFonIA Team
Hello again,
I have attached an example which uses Free Transformation. It is a "digital display" , meaning that it displays the value of a data as a liquid crystal display.
Actually, it reads the value of a data named "Input" and according to the value it makes some groups visible or not in order to display a figure.At the moment, it can read only one data named "Input" . If you want to have several digital displays in one model which display different values, you will have to change the code of all the groups what takes some time. That's why we are working on a new version which will allow to make a "find replace" on the transformations.
SimFonIA Team
Using csv file to control time & velocity is perfectand simple technique for future projects. The Free transform file is very cool indeed I'll be sure to study it so I can find other ways to use it. Again thanks!