Thanks Pilou. Just reached out to him.
RE: Clothworks by Anton Synytsia
Clothworks by Anton Synytsia
Just downloaded, installed and licensed Clothworks extension. I'm using SKP 2019, on a 2019 Mac Pro running Catalina 10.15.4
Not having any issues with SKP or other 3rd party plugins. When I try and show the Clothworks controls via "toggle play" it doesn't become visible although the submenu shows it with a check mark beside it. As it is now without the "play" button I can't use it. See screenshot.
Anyone know how I can get this resolved? How can I contact Anton directly?
Thanks for any assistance or help.
RE: Fineliner style image export
Great example of the variety of line effects you can get just by adjusting the image's export size. All of these tips and tutorials have been very valuable and I appreciate everyone's help.
RE: Fineliner style image export
Cotty, nice tip. Thanks for sharing!
RE: Fineliner style image export
Thanks Dave. Adjusting the detail slider the whole way to the righ did the trick.
Fineliner style image export
I'm using the Jim Leggitt "Tradigital" technique for an image export of a model. I get a normal "hiddenline" 2D image export (as a tiff) for step 1 but when I do the fineliner style, which is step 2 and export as a tiff very few of the lines are visible when I open it in Photoshop. It looks perfectly fine in Sketchup with all the models' lines having the fineliner style imposed on them.
Can't figure out why this is happening. Using Levels or Curves to adjust in Photoshop doesn't work because there's no information there for PS to see. I've attached screenshot of model in Sketchup and tiff image when opened in PS.
Thanks in advance for any help.
RE: Sketchup Pro 2014 hangs every time I quit (Mac)
So bigstick, where we can download this new build you mentioned that fixes the issue? I'm using MAc OSX 10.8.5 not Mavericks and I have to force quit everytime.
RE: Rotate tool not on selected object
Thanks Dave R. I see what you mean by the guideline. I edited component, erased the guideline, then made component and when I selected the rotate tool it was blue and I was able to position it under the chair leg to reposition. Appreciate your timely assistance.
RE: Rotate tool not on selected object
Dave R, thanks. Not sure how to find the link for it but I entered "upholstered chair" in the search box and it was the 3rd one from left top row in the results window. Author was lioneldp.
Rotate tool not on selected object
I downloaded a chair to put into a model of an interior set I was provided by an ad agency for a TV spot I'm going to storyboard. The interior was bare so I've been downloading basic furniture to put into the room to dress it out and when I select this chair to position it elsewhere the rotate wheel tool appears out on the corner of the floor and not on the chair. Is this something with the model of the whole room interior or specific to the chair itself?
Any help is greatly appreciated. -
RE: Orienting texture on cylinder
Thanks Dave R. I'm a Sketchup noobie so if it's not imposing too much how do I "apply" the flat surface with the texture on it to the cylinder?
Orienting texture on cylinder
I'm trying to apply a label I created in Photoshop and (saved as jpeg) onto a small cylinder and need the label to be parallel with the cylinder. When I "import" "as texture" I then get the image on my cursor and it's oriented properly; I click a starting point on the lower left area of the cylinder then click on the upper right area at the other end of the cylinder then a small strip of the texture appears on the cylinder where upon I click again with the bucket tool and the texture appears but always is perpendicular to the cylinder and not reading correctly along it's length. I've attached screenshots of the process. Between image 4 and 5 is where the strip of texture appears after clicking on the right corner of cylinder, then I click again with the bucket tool and if fills out the texture but obviously in wrong direction. This is frustrating...

RE: Crown molding component & wood texture
Downloaded and installed Fredo Tools and was wondering how I can get the tool set icons palette to show up. Here's screenshot of what I have showing in SKPro2014 Mac. When I click on that I get a window with a list of the tools to "launch".
I'd like to have the one shown in the YouTube tutorial. Video is from April 2012 so maybe the tool set has changed?
RE: Crown molding component & wood texture
Thanks dedmin and pbacot for the quick responses and info! In the process of downloading and installing FredoTools 2.0 and thrupaint is part of all that. I have some of his other plugins and they're great.
Crown molding component & wood texture
I'm constructing a series of elevator cabs for a client who makes residential elevators. I downloaded a simple crown molding profile from the warehouse, compliments of "bzbuilds" (thanks) and using push pull tool extruded it to my desired length. When I texture it with a custom cherry texture jpeg the texture is running vertically or perpendicular to the molding as opposed to parallel with it (see attached screenshot)
When I right click I do not have the "texture" "position" option available in order to rotate the grain parallel with the molding. Seems like the curved concave face of the molding is comprised of several faces running the length of the molding. Must I position each one of those faces textures individually (See 2nd screenshot)
Any help is greatly appreciated. -
RE: Sketchup Pro 2013 Mac & Fredo Round Corner
Upon looking more closely at my plugins folder and having loaded some other extensions (.rbz) this morning I noticed I did not have the round corner.rbz file which is why my open button remained greyed out. After downloading and installing it then activating it via the install extensions function I now have it the round corner toolset. Cool!
Thanks again to you (and TIG) for your patience and assistance.
RE: Sketchup Pro 2013 Mac & Fredo Round Corner
Thanks for your reply Dave. I looked in there and it doesn't even show up. So when I click "install extension" and navigate to my plugins folder of course I see the Fredo6_Round Corner folder in there but my "open" button remains greyed out even when I open that folder to see if there was anything in it that was the "extension" but open button remains greyed out. Really frustrating...
Thanks again for your help.
RE: Sketchup Pro 2013 Mac & Fredo Round Corner
Sorry used quick reply instead of post reply so couldn't attach screen shots. Here they are.