@box said:
So it has nothing to do with scenes, are you talking about nesting of groups/components and how to get in and out of them for editing?
Scenes or not, I just want to click a button and be taken to one or the other area and automatically be inside however many levels of nested grouping to be able to work on whatever part it may be.
For example, I have that Junk Yard, as I call it, where I pick out a part I need, then I fly back to where I was working. The Junk Yard is outside of all other parts and components, so in order to grab a component I need, I must exit/close several times, and then enter/open several times again to resume working. Making sense now?
I could've sworn that years ago I didn't need to do this. I recently resumed playing around with SU after a long hiatus, hence relearning some things.
Thanks for your attention.