i just got the Asus with the i7 processor, 2g nvidia graphics card and oodles of memory. Seems lighting fast to me
RE: Hardware recommendations
RE: Hardware recommendations
My father, a long time CAD user was wanting to give SU a try and is having a problem downloading the software. He currently uses Auto Desk on the same laptop, so I found it hard to believe his suggestion that his computer was not capable of running SU was likely. I referenced below his laptop configuration. Could anyone tell me if it seems like he should or should not be able to run SU, and if not what the problem may be. I haven't been able to trouble shoot with him much so I don't know yet if he may just be doing something wrong when installing. I thought I would rule this out first.Thank you,
SeanToshiba Laptop
2.3 GHz
235 GB remainingAMD Turion
II Dual-Core Mobile Processor M520
AMD M880G Chipset
ATI RadeonHD 4200 Graphics with dynamically
allocated shared graphics memory -
RE: SU to GCode anyone?
Root canal, pain medication, need I say more? The Zomadicam plugin. I unzipped it and placed the folders and files in SU7>plugins. when I opened SU there were no new plugin options or tools.
I apologize, I believe i posted this question in the wrong thread. I posted in the correct location specific to my problem, but any suggestions are still appreciated -
RE: SU to GCode anyone?
I have tried several times to unzipp and put the folders into the SU7/plugins folder with no success. I am not getting a new tool or any dialog box in Plugins menu. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
RE: Is anyone using SP in thier actual business?
I build custom cabinetry and furniture in N. CA. I often use SP to give life to cabinet doors and drawers, as well as doors in the room being modeled that may interact with the proposed cabinetry or furniture. It helps with potential conflicts, and clients love it.
RE: Solar system
I appreciate your responses. I am preparing some models to show some teachers how SU might be used in the classroom to teach and engage students. I agree with the comments about the size of the model and how it is hard to view anyway. I think notations that relate the size of the solar system to things students can relate to would probably be more effective.
Solar system
I was building this solar system to scale (not full scale) but I am having some trouble. The further out the planets get the more unstable their joint connection to the sun becomes. I also noted the bonding boxes on some of the more distant planets was considerably larger than the planet and joint they are bounding. I am wondering if the extents of the model are just too broad or maybe the distance between the planets and their joints is too far.
RE: Technical / Mechanical plans
Todd Burch has a ruby script that does dashed lines if thats what your after. I think its on Smustard -
RE: Sean Headrick's Web Site
I built this back in Atlanta where redwood is a little harder to find. I used pressure treated yellow pine for the beams, redwood for the fascias and railing posts, and cypress on the treads and railings. I didn't model it but my railings were actually two layers of 5/4 x 6. the first layer I screwed to the shoulders of the tenons on the posts, and then the second layer I screwed from underneath so there weren't any visible fasteners.
I appreciate the suggestion on the labels.I should have thought of that. -
RE: Sean Headrick's Web Site
Hey Guys,
Here is a model of the bridge. The slide show demonstrates generally how I put it together. I built it almost entirely at my shop. I built forms at my shop that had sockets for the structural beams. The bottom of the sockets were sloped to allow for drainage. The bottom edge of the arch is a 23' radius. All the decking was screwed and plugged. The decorative joinery served a couple solutions. I couldn't make the fascia with a single piece of wood given the height of the arch, and I didn't want a butt joint that would inevitably separate. I also wanted to have the decking captured between the fascias so the end grains were not exposed.
I had wanted to add some labels that were only visible in the present scene, but the labels didn't disappear when the scene changed. How do you do that?
RE: Sean Headrick's Web Site
Hey Guys,
I really appreciate your interest in this design. I remember when I built it I had just started using SU because I had dragged my laptop out to the job site to show the contractor the awesome new 3D modeling software I had found. So I was still relying on pencil and paper for most of my idea development. I will sit down this weekend and do a model of the bridge.
RE: Problem installing joint push pull
PERFECT thank you very much. I love SketchUp and all of ya'll that continue to make it ever better.
RE: Problem installing joint push pull
%(#FF0000)[Error Loading File jointpushpull.rb
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/jointpushpull.rb:2356: syntax error
menu.add_item(Traductor[DLG_MnuRedo) { JointPushPull.redo }
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/jointpushpull.rb:2356: syntax error
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/jointpushpull.rb:2378: syntax error]this is what comes up when i start SU.
%(#FF0000)[Error: #<SyntaxError: (eval):149:in `load': C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/jointpushpull.rb:2356: syntax error
menu.add_item(Traductor[DLG_MnuRedo) { JointPushPull.redo }
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/jointpushpull.rb:2356: syntax error
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/jointpushpull.rb:2378: syntax error>
this is what came up when I did what you said in the ruby console. I am on a windows PC with Vista. the tools on surface is working good.
Any suggestions are very much appreciated. -
Problem installing joint push pull
I'm having a problem loading the joint push pull ruby. I've downloaded and installed a few zips so I think I understand the general procedure. Looking at the installation guide in the JPP_Dir folder,when I extract the zipped files i should have Lib Traductor.rb, jointpushpull.rb, and lib traductor.def. Also the folder JPP_Dir. I'm not seeing the lib traductor.def, although I installed tools on surface this morning and it also used the Lib traductor .def that I am not seeing in the unzipped "jointpushpull".Tools on surface installed o.k.When I start SU after the install I get a syntax error saying the joint push pull could not load. What am I doing wrong?
RE: Hinges on a trebuchet
piling additional copies of the counter balance worked great.I removed the hinges before i started copying so they didn't get buried too deep.Then added new hinges after I regrouped all the copies.Thanks again. I LOVE SP
RE: Hinges on a trebuchet
I should have kept trying before i submitted a question. I reduced the size of the arm section above the fulcrum(launching end) and increased the amount of material below the fulcrum (on the weighted end. I,m still interested to know how weight is determined in models in sp
Hinges on a trebuchet
i'm having a problem getting the hinges that are part of the weight group to attach to the arm group.Every time I connect the joint, I get a ghost image of the joint at the same place on the model. Also can I make the mass of the weight vary? I'm kind of a new sketchy physics user so I may be doing something dumb. Thanks
So I figured out that the hinges were too deep in the group. thanks to CPhillips. But the weight of the counter balance is still an issue. I know all the boxes are essentially shells, so how do I increase the mass of the weight so it will work like it should? Do I need to use a spring or something you think?