Is there a setting that will override all diffuse color but leave the bump maps and displacement maps on?
Override materials leaving bump and displacement on?
RE: New Suburban Garden
Something seems off with the scale of the background and the house. I like the first image, the quality of the shadows help to add to the overall feel. The rest of the images give me the feeling that the ground pitches away from the house really bad or the guy holding the camera is leaning over. Also the brick wall, being a foreground element, needs to be texture mapped correctly. my eye is drawn to the slope of the wall and the bricks not following it.
RE: .mid century remodel. ::updated 12.15.11::
I have to say I am torn at the use of photoreal and an artsy background the 2 conflict to me. All in all I like the house design, I am just not sold on the composition.
RE: SketchUp Pro [EXPIRED]
I am on a windows 7 64bit machine and I opened 4 sessions at the same time and got NO expired warning and no lag.
RE: Be Careful !
I have to agree with Eric. Not to mention the nail and the ball are not good, but hey at least you put some killer materials on it.
RE: Let's have a Hardware speed test for SU
Here's my test
I have not tweaked any settings and I am not running any overclocking.
RE: :Avengers QuinJet:
Very cool. The only thing that stands out to me is that the landing gear looks excessively tall. Other than that this is good stuff once again.
RE: Finally a new bike
I really can not complain either way
Next will be these: is on order, Should be here in a few days: have registered for 3 races this year so far and have 3 more I am looking into. My main goal is to do my first century this season.
Finally a new bike
I have been riding a 8+ year old mountain bike bought from a friend for a while now. It let me realize how much I love riding a bike. I found myself mostly riding on the road as my back could not take the trails. Well, I came home a few weeks ago and my wife said "come on, me and the girls (3 years old and 8 months) are buying you a new bike today". I completely thought she was kidding, but went along anyways. I got the "pick out what you want" treatment from her and this is what we walked out with. A 2011 Giant TCR Advanced 1. An absoultely beautiful bike to ride. I am averaging 30-40 miles a day with longer rides on the weekends. I have also registered for a 100K ride this summer.
Now I have to split my time between sketching and riding.
RE: Auntie Em Auntie Em!
Glad to hear you and your family are safe Eric. We were praying for you.
RE: Osama bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad Pakistan
Killing OBL means nothing. He was a figure head and that is it. The fact that he was sleeping 100 yards from the military speaks volumes for pakistans involvement. Nobody can say people did not know he was there.
Now the fact of IF he is dead.....No body, no pictures, or they are being doctored....? He is worth more alive for what they will eventually get him to say than dead. I find it odd he was buried out to sea SO fast. They say to respect muslim tradition? Who the hell cares at that point? Did he care about the 3000+ and their traditions? If he IS dead and not in some off the books prison we will never know for sure. We will only ever hear what they want us to hear and what the news garbage regurgitates for us. -
RE: OXO seating system and more
Those wooden figures are fantastic and the facial expression is great. Well done
RE: Lastest work (Thea4Su 13 May)
These are great images and I would have to be critical to find fault but there are a few things (minor) that I see:
First image
The furniture wood looks flat and without any shine
The flip flops dont look groundedSecond Image
Can't find anything wrongThird Image
At first glance the clear chairs throw me off for some reason.
I would change the angle of the shot just a bit to get more seperation between the island and the back counter. currently they look to blend a bit.
The lemons are blown out a bit
The placement of the cooktop seems odd to me (under cabinets?)Last image
The BMW....The side skirting is way to low and is incorrect. The paint almost come off as chrome or aluminum. I would not add to bright of a color but some color would look better.
The flare on the street light looks forced.Again, great images!
RE: FOYER - interior setup...
Really nice. I think the bump on the wall and floor are a bit strong but all in all nice stuff.