@jim said:
But is seems to take a long time to export the images, and why encrypt it?
In the first message is the source file (animaciya_create.rb>> not encrypted)
animaciya_create_7.zip - Trial until 12/01/2010 - so it is encrypted
Cost $ 8
@jim said:
But is seems to take a long time to export the images, and why encrypt it?
In the first message is the source file (animaciya_create.rb>> not encrypted)
animaciya_create_7.zip - Trial until 12/01/2010 - so it is encrypted
Cost $ 8
Modified script, added the rotation of the whole scene, as well as selecting the folder to save the
In the first message
Modified script, added the ability to select each group the direction of rotation
In the first message
The script takes a snapshot and saves the image in the folder where the file resides. Skp
Before installation remove a script "animaciya_create.rb" from a folder "Plugins"
Records of recent files are stored here
HKEY_USERS/S-1-5-21-1123561945-651377827-1644491937-500/SOFTWARE/Google/SketchUp7/Recent File List
And if you use a temporary folder for the latest files?
Succeed to keep the files in a folder "Temp"
UI.openpanel "Open File", "C:\\Temp\\", "*.skp"
@ben ritter said:
Second, I cannot get the mirror function to work. Any suggestions?
Keys "Ctrl" >> mirror red axis
Keys "Home" >> mirror green axis
Keys "End" >> mirror blue axis
Keys "1" >> mirror red axis
Keys "2" >> mirror green axis
Keys "3" >> mirror blue axis
mirror administrated mouse
@ben ritter said:
Third, can this work on SU 6?
and SU 7 and SU 6 and SU 5
@njh said:
Hi Sahi,
Thanks or your patience.
I can get to the shortcut menu like you show but I can't locate your plugin tools in the "function" list. The only item listed is to view the Brick pallett. Thats my problem.
NO no no......
Keys "1" >> mirror red axis
Keys "2" >> mirror green axis
Keys "3" >> mirror blue axis
@njh said:
Sorry - I don't understand your last response.
A - ??
B - ??
C - ??
What are the keys to choose ?
@njh said:
Hi Sahi / Guys,
Just downloaded the plugin and I'm VERY VERY impressed but I have a question as a mac user with an apple full size USB keyboard.
The arrow keys work fine for rotation and scale and the ctrl key works fine for the mirror on (red?) axis but my keyboard doesn't have the second functions shown on the numeric keypad (home etc) so I can't seem to mirror along the other two axis.
Sorry if this has already been explained earlier in the post or if I'm just being a bit dim and don't know how to use an apple keyboard properly!
@njh said:
Using the keyboard shortcut (even though I could only get one working) was much easier to get the desired result.
What are the keys you are free ????
What are the keys create one??
Upgrade plugins First Message Brick_8.zip
Upgrade plugins First Message Brick_7.zip
@daniel s said:
Sahi, thanks again...
I was trying your plugin... and discover a new issue.. but this one is very important
I put 60º in the protractor but the result is 59,38º for example.
Upgrade plugins First Message Brick_6.zip
@unknownuser said:
This program shut my Sketchup down without a error. Stops every time I pick the icon.
However, thanks for the plugin, I know you will get it working.
Double Click = Exit
@daniel s said:
But there is a small cosmetic bug... look at the wireframe using groups.
In this .gif I show that using components looks well and groups not:
Upgrade plugins First Message Brick_4.zip
Upgrade plugins First Message Brick_3.zip