Latest posts made by sahi
RE: [Plugin] "folder" (Updated 15/02/2016)
Updated the plug-in in the first message
RE: [Plugin] Circle from edge (2-pt circle,Updated 15/02/2016)
Updated the plug-in in the first message
[Plugin] "Component_name" ($)
The script displays the name of the component or group on the screen.
It is designed for complex models - watching a video of it all will be clear
It works only with the kinds of - Top View, Bottom View, Front View, Rear View, Left Side, Right Side View.
Has font settings - Change the font, font size
Just the location setting - up in the bottom of the left in the right, and deploy text
A script for an extra charge of $ 10, you can buy it
Video without sound
RE: [Plugin] Scaling to_cm (UPDATED 15/02/2016)
Updated the plug-in in the first message
RE: [Plugin] Script selects the line or face.(UPDATED 15/02/16)
Updated the plug-in in the first message
RE: Understand what encoding SketchUp 8?
I wrote this script to
Perhaps what is in it and is not correct.
But Ruby is well aware of it, let'sstring = File.join (File.dirname (FILE), "Моя папка"))
string = encode_to_cp1251 (string)
Dir.mkdir (string) -> works fine
And as Sketchup 5 works great
A Sketchup 6 7 8 only read but can not green triangle icon
Encodes from cp1251 to utf-8
And a coding of utf-8 cp1251 (Cyrillic)In SketchUp 5 everything works fine
RE: Understand what encoding SketchUp 8?
Problem in "Cyrillic"
"Cyrillic" in utf-8
Sketchup 5 and reads and stores
Skutchup 6 7 8 only reads but does not save.
Skutchup 6 7 8 reads "Cyrillic" in utf-8
And when you save what encoding uses (cp1252 cp866??????)
Understand what encoding SketchUp 8?
SketchUp 5
path = "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\моя модель.skp"
encode_to_utf-8 path path -> works
Sketchup.open_file path -> worksSketchUp 8
path = "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\моя модель.skp"
encode_to_utf-8 path path -> does not work
Sketchup.open_file path -> worksWhat encoding supports Sketchup 8 to save the model?
RE: [Plugin] "folder" (Updated 15/02/2016)
Updated the script in the first message
- Icon opens files SketchUp
- Icon imports files in SketchUp model