I need your help to check which of the two interfaces has the best compatibility before I release the next version. Enclosed you will find two versions (they can co-exist together). Both have implementations of an accordion interface.
The "black" version, is a customized accordion and this is really all this interface is focused on. It has an animated opening of sections with a bounce as the section expands. This is the prettier of the two, but is a one trick pony.
Clipping of Black Interface
Interface based on Prototype and Scriptalicious
The "white" version, is build on a whole platform of cool gadgets I could use for other interface niceties. Their accordion does an instantaneous open so it isn't as sexy as my black variant.
Interface based on Bootstrap
Clipping of White Interface
There will be slight differences in font size / color etc., but ignore these. The same with the color difference, its just to tell them apart (but I like the black coloring =P) I'm purely interested in whether the accordion works (sections slide open as you click on them) and whether it will generate ok (default settings are fine). If they are both broken, I'll be stopping at the liquor store instead of StarBucks this afternoon.
If you have any issues, please tell me your Operating System and SketchUp version. Hopefully I'll get the next version released shortly.
Sincerely, Sketchy.