I'm sorry, I forgot one thing.
"SketchUp Make isn't getting any younger. We've stopped updating SketchUp Make"
That looks like an attempt to soften the announcement about stopping with a non sequitur. Did anyone think it was getting younger? How is that a reason to stop updating it. Uh...er...why not update it so it can get older. Surly there is another explanation that would not be so clumsy. Perhaps an explanation that respects the intelligence of their users and their market. Actually it wouldn't be such a big deal on it's own as an announcement except that it's IN YOUR FACE, when you open the program. Timbler, rethink your marketing transition style and substance.

Latest posts made by Roidsan
RE: "We've Stopped Updating Sketchup Make"
RE: "We've Stopped Updating Sketchup Make"
Hellnbak Allow me to explain what it means for you.
"Explore the latest and greatest way to SketchUp."
Someone is under the outdated impression that "the latest and greatest" has actually proven to be that. They are unaware of the multitude of people who DON'T jump on that because it is either not fully tested and full of bugs, or it's simply not true and a disappointment.
"A Pro subscription" Oh really? How obvious.
"Model on your desktop and on the web"
Well, we've been on our desktops for a long time without the web so the obvious assumption is that there is something great about "modeling on the web". Did they actually ask anyone, or maybe everyone, who really likes working "on the web"? They are believing their own hype about the wonderful world of the web, and the cloud etc. They haven't noticed that there are a few things about the web that are "unreliable". I do my photo restoration in PhotoShop and deliver directly to my clients by email or CD-ROM. Few of them even know what the cloud is. I'm sure outside of a few cutting edge high tech young designers and the like, that the only people using augmented virtual reality are NOT in business.
I'm glad they stopped at "and more".
RE: "We've Stopped Updating Sketchup Make"
Box...I've looked through the forums and am not sure which one would be the most appropriate one to post my questions. As I mentioned in the above post but edited it out I've been saving to get my young relatives into SketchUp by giving them laptops. (13" Apple MacBook Pro, 2.5GHz Core i5, 4GB RAM, 500GB HD - 2012 with Mohave OS.) What would have been simple a year ago about giving them SU is not so anymore, mostly because of the controversy over the changes in the versions. Small note: I've never really noticed any problem with my graphics cards. I'm sure there is a forum around here that I could sort that out on.
And, Sketch3d.de, thank you for additional information. I should have noted that I'm doing Mac and should always include that.
One last thing...I apologize for the strident tone of my post above. It's my problem that I was not prepared for the inevitable. The timing with the grand kids is not Trimble's fault. I just want them to be very thorough in understanding their market.
RE: "We've Stopped Updating Sketchup Make"
Thank you for you suggestions and advice. I will start another thread soon with better information. Everything you said is helpful. So...in a few days, I will be able to follow up. Thanks again.
RE: "We've Stopped Updating Sketchup Make"
I really appreciate the mostly civil discussion on this forum.
Once upon a time I was president of a media/software company. I understand the importance of making money and having a good product to do that with. That said, Trimble needs someone on their staff that understands that it's not just marketing. There is some sensitivity missing there. SU has an established history of substantial introductory involvement that allows the greatest possible spectrum of uses. Trimble risks losing that with a poorly designed transition to product purchase. I've seen what kids can do with SU and how it frees their creative thinking. I don't get a sense that there is anyone at Trimble that really understands that. The tacky notices and confusing explanations, marketing hype and instructions look like an amateur approach to a legitimate need to improve the bottom line. Somewhere in all of the brilliant minds we have must be is a solution to "#%^&(*&^#!" people who make money with make level and never buy pro.
I got to a point where I could no longer afford the latest version of Photoshop. (I skipped a couple of upgrades cause I was so focused on work.) I have it now because of monthly rental. Maybe there could be a way to subsidize people under age to enjoy SU and have a stricter control on a commercial version. I'm not trying to start an argument, I just remember the cold feeling when I saw the SU splash screen...No More Upgrade... and then was offended by trying to use
"Free". That program is an insult to the intelligence of your market and with the prevailing lack of delayed gratification who wants to wait until it's "better". Oh Oh... I'm starting to feel a soap box growing under my feet, it's time to stop.[for those in another culture unfamiliar with that saying: People who gave loud sometimes radical speeches in city parks brought soap boxes to stand on so they could be heard and seen above any crowd they may attract.]
RE: 250,000+ SCF Membership
Are we great or what? And, we have the best group of administrators, management and contributors a forum could ask for. Seriously.
Speaking of hats (do I hear dozens of "not you again"
), When I got My SketchUcation Hat in early 2012 (see the post Here we go again with the hat thing!), I think we had about 150 thousand members, so maybe about 50 thousand per year are joining us. I should be around 86 when we hit a million. I can't wait.
I recall Mike saying on 3/13/2013, referring to a place to buy SketchUcation merchandise, "Rich has done some work on this end of things and will be launching something once we have the site revamp completed."
I wonder what happened with that?
After I started wearing my SketchUcation hat in my little village,I became a sober, responsible, and prominent citizen. I got more work, I was elected to an office, and the women's response was spectacular. I don't date anyone under 60, but with my SketchUcation hat, I don't have to.
So…someone please look into our forum getting into the retail "cool stuff to impress everyone with" business. We can promote responsibilty, good citizenship, community involvement and some sobriety, while we build our incredible 3D models. Just a thought.
Congratulation again! SCF ROCKS!
RE: [plugin] SketchUp News Browser
I wrote this as I was trying different things to get into your news plugin. I finally got it
to work, but don't want to rewrite the whole message, so just in case it gives you
any useful information, I'm sending it as is
Begin original message--------------------------------------------------What a perfect idea.
I'm trying to make it work, but may not have done it right.
I downloaded the RBZ version first and tried to install it. I got an error message...
"Unable to install this extension for some unknown reason"So... I downloaded the .rb version and tried that.
It did not download as a Zip.
I put it into the plugins as shown in the attached,
started SU (in both attempts) and it does not show up on the Help Menu.Any ideas about what I might do differently?
Relative info? iMac OSX 10.8.3 2.7GHz Intel Core i5
Just to be thorough, I also tried to install on an older iMac with OSX 10.5.8.
and IT WORKED!Never mind!
The screen dump is from Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8.
RE: [Tutorial - Modelling] Modelling a Gothic Window #1
Your Gothic Window tutorial is a great idea. It covers a lot of useful operations.
I got lost around image 15 and could not quite determine where my frame was and how to line the parts up.
Are the two "see through" window surfaces supposed to be in the same plane?
An example file that I could download would be a great assist. If you have the time to post something
around that part of the construction, it could help a lot.Thanks for your usual good work.
Post Script: I'm not sure what these examples will show you, but I thought it might be helpful to include something.
RE: Here we go again with the hat thing!
I am now the ecstatic owner of a genuine SketchUcation hat. Mr. Lucey (Mike to you) succumbed to my constant whining and in self defense, sent me one of his. (Not the only one I hope).
It fits me perfectly, but for some reason I had to move the nail to hang it on (see the photo at the beginning of this thread) so that my front door would open...very strange. Everyone in my village is appropriately impressed but they keep making remarks about large hats...very strange.
Thank you again Mike
Post Script: I look forward to the day when I can pull down the "Shop" menu and see "Lots of cool SketchUcation stuff you can wear", no wait...that's too long, how about "Cool Stuff"?