Too soon?
RE: SketchUp 2021 release
Of all the new features the tag grouping is the only one I find useful. The PreDesign thingy is a toy. The logos still have to grow on me. I rooted for some substantial speeding up of the 3d engine.
RE: Classic/perpetual licence option ending this year!
Wait, WHAT?
I got a 3 year support for classic license in 2018. So it should be ok for 2021, right? -
RE: A more paintely plugin?
my try with su and fotosketcher.
As a vray 3.6 user I got screwed by chaosgrop and now I can use my old su18 with vray or my new 2019 without it. I have a subscription plan until dec 2020.
Can't really sell my 3.6 without paying for license transfer fee which is 100E.
Either way, I'm ditching vray. Clients don't really appreciate the photorealism and the amount of work put into it. So I'm sticking with su+fotosketcher for now and starting experiment with blender,
RE: Moving doesn't snap to axes
turn HW acceleration off.
happened to me in both 2018 and 2019
RE: Question regarding Upgrade to 2019.
related Q: on how many machines can I have SU 2019 installed at one time?
RE: SketchUp 2019 release
They made shadows faster. It seems like it does not recalculate shadows when rotating view. No ora a short delay waiting for them to reappear.
I have my license valid till the end of 2020 but I did not recieve updated license. Keep waiting or should I do something?
RE: Black Friday deals
any deals on Profile Builder 3? maybe they'll post somethig on cybermon. There's a bundle sale, but I don't need quantifier
RE: [Plugin] ClothWorks v1.8.0 - 28 Apr 2024
any Black Friday deals on clothworks?
Black Friday deals
Why don't we post this years BF deals for Sketchup plugins and stuff here? Anyone found anything interesting?
A plugin binding parts of geometry to measure line
Not sure if such a plugin exists. Just an idea.
You could lock a part of geometry inside a group to other element, like a measure line, and use it as a control axis. Something simillar to binding a wall to an axis in Revit. -
RE: Sketchup 2018 - Retaining Workspace Problems
same issue here. anyone reported this to Trimble?
RE: SketchUp 2018
The 2 and 3 year old S&M will be gone next monday (13th). this might be a release date for 2018.
RE: [Plugin] FloorGenerator ( Updated 6-Apr-2017)
why is there no option for an origin point where you click? Why center or left lower corner only? I mean this would be useful
RE: [Plugin] FloorGenerator ( Updated 6-Apr-2017)
sdmitch you are awesome! Thank you. Glad I could contribute!
RE: [Plugin] FloorGenerator ( Updated 6-Apr-2017)
here, Floor generator on stock settings, two identical planes-second one with tiles applied.
looks like geometry has some random lines and faces, even though I have set no random parameter.
RE: [Plugin] FloorGenerator ( Updated 6-Apr-2017)
so, no cure for this bug? any chance It will be patched?
Any other plugin that can generate nice tiles? -
RE: [Plugin] FloorGenerator ( Updated 6-Apr-2017)
I'm having problems with the plugin in SU 2017. Su 2015 seems to be working fine.
Using even stock settings I get a lot of random tiles missing.