Dear Fredo,
Hello, is it any possibility to add Gumball to Fredospline like the Rhino? I know that we have it now in these plugins, but regarding the graphical concern, it would be great when we select the point, then we can see a Gumball on top of the point. Thanks.
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoSpline - v2.6a - 01 Apr 24
Linking SketchUp and Grasshopper
Dear All,
Hello, I kindly reach you to inform you that six years ago, Kaveh Alagheband ( started to develop useful plugins which are Linking SketchUp and Grasshopper to each other, but unfortunately he didn’t develop it anymore.
I wonder to ask Fredo6, TIG, Thom Thom, Chris Fullmer, SuforYou(Huynh Duong Phuong Vi), Curic, Eneroth3, Natale Zappia and others to develop this essential plugin if there is any possibility. Thanks in advanceSincerely,
Reza -
RE: [Plugin] s4u_toComponents
Dear Huynh Duong Phuong Vi,
Hello, I kindly reach you to inform you about a problem when I am using S4U to Components v6.2.0.
Actually, I firstly select half of triangular for this kind of curve surface with S4U Select v2.1.1 plugin and then select the component in order to put on the surface with exact shape and direction But in some part, the component doesn't fit properly or Comes out of the surface.
Would you mind any possibility to fix this problem for the next update of S4U to Components in order to deal with this kind approach?Sincerely,
Hamidreza -
RE: [Plugin] BezierSpline - v2.2a - 22 Apr 21
@fredo6 said:
@reza1813 said:
Dear Fredo,
Hello, I am eager to receive your feedback. Thanks in advance.Hamidreza
Closure of Spline will come, but probably in another plugin.
Dear Fredo,
Thank you for all of your efforts. I am looking forward to the result of this plugin which seems to be very functional. Furthermore, concerning to the first request, would you add Gumball feature in order to change the point easily in 2D and 3D for next Update or another plugin. Thanks in advance.Yours Sincerely,
Hamidreza -
RE: [Plugin] BezierSpline - v2.2a - 22 Apr 21
Dear Fredo,
Hello, I am eager to receive your feedback. Thanks in advance.Hamidreza
RE: [Plugin][$] Tools On Surface - v2.6a - 01 Apr 24
Dear Fredo,
Thank you for your prompt reply to my question. Wow, I thought that adding curve line(Bezier) on Tool on surface plugin will be possible in SketchUp as MESH interface because this is just an example in order to show you what I mean and you obviously know that we usually need to add curve line on the curved surface(Like other Software: Rhino and...). Indeed, I ever use Drap(Feature in the SketchUp) or Flowify plugin(Anders L.) in order to put a pattern on my curved surface but most of the time it doesn't work properly or It does not look like what I am looking for.
All in all, I hope so in the near future, we have this feature on SketchUp. Thanks in advance.Yours sincerely,
Hamidreza -
RE: [Plugin][$] JointPushPull Interactive - v4.8a - 30 Mar 24
Dear Fredo,
Thanks a lot. It works when I use the Extrude tool in JPP (X marked). Thanks in advance. -
RE: [Plugin][$] Tools On Surface - v2.6a - 01 Apr 24
Dear Fredo,
Hello, I kindly reach you to ask you, Is there any possibility to add curve line to the Tools On Surface plugin or link BezierSpline plugin with Tools On Surface in order to draw the F-spline or Catmull Spline. Because sometimes we need to draw the special curve on curved surfaces. (Attachment file).
Hamidreza -
RE: [Plugin][$] JointPushPull Interactive - v4.8a - 30 Mar 24
Dear Fredo,
Hello, I kindly reach you to mention a problem in the Joint Push Pull plugin.
When I model organic shape or complex surface(Almost curve form or tensile structure) Pushing of the surface is not moving well and also I have tried to copy of surface and then use Curviloft to close it but it also doesn't work properly. What should I do exactly in this Situation? Thanks in advance.
Hamidreza -
RE: [Plugin][$] Curviloft 2.0a - 31 Mar 24 (Loft & Skinning)
Dear Fredo,
Hello, I kindly reach you to suggest some feature for the future update of Curviloft plugin.-
I wonder to know why Curviloft doesn't create a surface when we have an Integrated curve. In fact, I always use the Soap Skin Bubble plugin in order to deal with this type of shape and unfortunately I have a problem to push surface properly. Would you mind any possibility to add this feature of Soap Skin Bubble plugin to the next version of Curviloft concerning to create the surface for all type of connected line and curve?
Furthermore, this is the FormZ software. I wonder to know, Is there any possibility to change the type of surface and also how it is pushed and pulled in the Curviloft with some icon in order to increase or decrease it like FormZ software? (I know that there is some option in the spline method)
Hamidreza -
RE: [Plugin] BezierSpline - v2.2a - 22 Apr 21
Dear Fredo,
Hello, I kindly reach you to suggest some feature for the future update of BezierSpline.- As you know there is a feature in Rhino software which you can change the point easily in 2D and 3D and it is Gumball. BezierSpline in the current version, you can change the point in the 2D position very quickly but when I wonder to change the point in 3D axes, I have some problem(Of course when I want to do it, I definitely push up arrow on my keyboard and also be in Front view). Therefore, I really wonder to ask you, would you add Gumball feature for next Update?
Note: This type of Gumball already exists in the Vertex Tool of @thomthom which can help properly but I thought if this feature will be developed by you in this awesome plugin then it will be more integration.
- The next issue is when I draw a curve in 2D, it is so hard to close automatically the curve and I have to zoom in to close it or use the plugin options(close loop nicely or closed loop with the line) which almost is not so accurate or my desirable shape. would you solve this problem?
Have the best wishes to you as one of the most prominent and most successful developers.
Hamidreza -
RE: [Plugin] FloorGenerator ( Updated 6-Apr-2017)
I need the plugin and I can't find it. anyone can help? my email is : @