If I may make a suggestion,
the regular way SU textures is by rotating the texture on the mesh so it's like an un rolled canvas. the problem is, where there are curves, SU doesn't or possibly can't correct it. the solution is usually making the texture projected, but if you encounter and angle, say a +/-90 degrees one, the image stretches until you barely recognize it. If I may ask for a feature, it is a specialized UV mapping where, if the angle of a face from another is above +/-45 degrees, it switches the planar map to to closest axis while still being correctly connected to the other face. It is to my opinion that that feature is possible, yes, for this is the virtual world and nothing is impossible here, but improbable, so to say, the difficulty will lower the chances of it happening, anyway, this has helped me in my studies a lot. you have no idea how strict my 3D modeling teachers are about texturing a model