Anyone know anything about this? Rumour Reported Feb 14
Sounds like a good idea to me!
Anyone know anything about this? Rumour Reported Feb 14
Sounds like a good idea to me!
uhhh - that's "Lara" Croft - best to get the important things right eh....?
Just read this in a 1956 "handy Hints" publication:
"Measure the span of your hand - then you will always have an accurate measuring rule with you."
Wow - that is so simple - mine is 200mm so thats very tidy!
I suppose I should measure my stride (which I often use as a rough meter) and also my foot!
I'm surprised to learn he was 65...I always liked that picture of him that he used, sitting at this desk, sort of gave me the impression he was endlessly chipping away at stuff, always there,.....reminds me of Cellist Pablo Casals on being asked why he still practices 3 hours a day at 93 years old:
"I’m beginning to notice some improvement".
bon voyage honolulu...
Yes! - thats it.
Thanks so much
Does anyone remember, from a few years ago, the work of this guy who animated a 7 or 8 minute piece based around a famous library somewhere...? He used a warehouse model of the library as the base for the model, which is how it came up on these forums, or maybe pushpullbar, and then made this stunning rendered animation of books falling through the air etc. It also had a lot of cameras in it, and the whole piece was extraordinary, in that you really could not tell that it wasn't real....???
I bookmarked it at the time, but that was on a different computer that now has gone...
Great sketch! what software did you use on the ipad?
This has just been posted on the rhino forum recently (see screen shot)
Also, this site if you are into stairs:
ps: about Rhino I'm a Windows User.
check out
About $200.00. Free 30 day trial. Coded by the same guy that originally coded rhino, has a simple elegant interface, and a fantastic clean sketchup export.
but wait - there's more!
If you export from sketchup as a 3D model, in dwg or dxf format, then circles ARE exported as true circles, and further, as well as the mesh, a set of vectors describing the edges of the mesh objects are exported also.
Thus in rhino (and I presume autocad) you a have a 3D vector wireframe of your object. So you would simply select the meshes, and delete (or hide) them. You can then simply extrude the curves to create true nurbs objects...and in general use this wireframe as an accurate guide to create your 3D nurbs objects from.
Verrrry interesting, this sounds like a much better fit for what I need to do. I'm a bit nervous as, outside of screwing around with Blender 10+ years ago, SketchUp is me first foray into 3d modeling and I've had a lot of fun and luck with it. It's intuitive and easy to get started, but still very robust and capable. Plus all the cool plug-ins, So I'm leery of trying to learn another package.
Well, if you can use autocad, you will have no trouble learning rhino!
I don't suppose Rhino could easily import the couple weeks worth of work I've done in SketchUp could it?
Well, it probably can - see image & attached pdf.
What you are not going to be able to get around is the fact that in SU circles are just lines, and thus the 3D curved objects made from them will not be true in another program. However, you can easily model in rhino off the mesh you import by locking it, and then snapping to it as you make the nurbs objects. Rhino will also create nurbs geometry out of the SU mesh on import if you want, but it can't automatically replace a set of lines with a curve.
Rhino can also load all your autocad work, and you can do all your 2D documentation there, so I would definitely look at it if I were you. You can download it for free from - it will work for 25 saves. Bear in mind that ideally you would want to be using V5, which is in a very stable open beta at present, but you have to own V4 in order to get it.
Also, if I were you, I would look at MOI ( - this is a cheaper (about $200.00) nurbs modeler created by the same guy who originally coded rhino - it has a great uncluttered interface, and is very simple to model with - the sketchup of nurbs. It does not support meshes directly, so you cannot import your sketchup models, but it has a fantastic clean export to sketchup, so complex curvy stuff sketchup does not like can be modeled there and exported. You can also cut and paste models and geometry between rhino and moi, with everything lining up perfectly.
I just use the three programs together, depending on what I am doing - they are all fantastic!
Its interesting to see these solutions in sketchup, but this kind of thing is so much easier in rhino where there are dedicated tools for these sort of transformations.
For example, this took less than a minute in rhino using twist and fillet...
Personally, i find rhino and sketchup to be an excellent combination - rhino can read and write sketchup files, so it is very easy to simply import things from rhino into your sketchup model.
I think the thing that threw me, and perhaps others here is that it is actually under the view / toolbars menu - why would you look there for a tool or option?
hmm...must have missed that poll!
Thats all very well, but I find that if I don't turn off the construction line option, I usually end up with a couple around anyway by mistake..
Well, whatever, I guess its set in stone now.
view / toolbars / solar north
hmmm...well, i have the pro version, and if it is still in it, I can't find any way to do it...
I cannot understand why they google would have removed this feature - the geo location is great, and I believe the solid green axis does point north when the model is correctly geo-located, but if I am shifting the axis about on the model this is not always going to be true, so what reference have I got then?
It seems odd to download a plugin for an older version to essentially restore a feature that has been removed...?
Surely this has been discussed, but I cant find it...
Is it no longer possible in SU8 to turn on the orange line indicating north ?
If not, is this because geo-locating the drawing lines up the green axis to face north automatically?
If so, isn't this a bit odd, since we can move and rotate those axis while modeling, in which case we have lost the visual north reference...?
Or am I missing something?
Does anyone know how to make the (SU 8)tape-measure tool start WITHOUT the + feature added?
I can turn it off with ctrl, but why is it enabled by default? - drives me nuts!
Absolutely extraordinary work, all in sketchup + renders in vray, + a tutorial (google translated from Russian, but easy to follow with heaps of clear illustrations.)
Gallery here:
Tutorial here: