regarding the taped housing, we always use a dovetail bit here, makes sure that the joint is perfect.
we manufacture our brackets to suit, never considered buying them.. (you'd have to mess around with them to get the right rise/go anyway right?) + cnc router takes care of tasks like that easily.
the guard rail needs to be 900mm (35-1/2") above the nosings on the staircase, and on the landing, except for commercial use, when it needs to be 1100mm (43-1/4") above (only on the landing - can be 900 on the staircase).
we have to space the spindles so that you cant put a 100mm (4") sphere through at any point, the same goes for open plan stairs (where there would usually be a riser), where we have to put a dummy riser in to close this gap down. (i have started to use round steel balusters turned horizontally for this - still looks open, but has a gap smaller than 100mm)
too many regs