It's become a habit now and I have to set up my shortcuts like this on any machine I use. I set up my shortcuts around WASD when I was first learning sketchup years ago and now I find it really efficient. It seems off but for some reason it made sense at the time and I was wondering how other people have their shortcuts setup.
Basically I have W for orbit, A for pan, S for select, D for push pull, then all my draw stuff is around those keys. Q is draw line, E draw rectangle, R draw arc, T tapemeasure, F is offset, spacebar is move, Z is scale, and X is paintbucket. So now I fly though sketchup models like I'm playing a videogame and working in sketchup any other way is almost impossible for me at this point. I can't imagine using sketchup any other way, if you're bored give it a shot it feels really natural.