RE: Animation suggestions
ok i tested it quickly, it works. you should:
set your sketchup desired scene transition time from view->animation->settings
move the flap to the start position and right click->proper animation->set position 1
move the flap to the final position and right click->proper animation->set position 2
go to plugins->proper animation->start scene observer
right click on the flap->get position 1-> create a scene (e.g. start)
right click on the flap->get position 2-> create a scene (e.g. end)
go to plugins->export smooth animation
choose your favourite export settings
exportthis works fine for me.
RE: Animation suggestions
i don't remember exactly how, but some time ago i'm sure i exported an assmbly sequence created with proper animation. search this forfum because your solution is somewhere here.
RE: Animation suggestions
@glenn said:
Only keyframe will export, Proper animation & mover are internal only.
doesn't smooth step animation export animation created by proper animation? i remember it does..
RE: Vray too slow while rendering
@karismah said:
Maybe you have nice method for great looking and not heavy curtains?
i'm not god. i'm quite new to sketcup and vray and i'm sure a lot of people here could advice you better than me. also i'm not that good at english, so it's difficult for me to explain sometimes..
anyway i will try..i can't see it well from your screenshots, but your curtain looks very high poly. do you downloaded it from some 3dsMAX collection or something like this? or did you modeled by your own? i find IMHO that modeling object by myself to fit my render's needs is the best solution when it is possible..
in this case you say that you are using a double side curtain with no refraction on it.. why double side if you don't need refraction? also you are using a very small output like 800 pixel wide? so you can barely see the tickness or you can't see it at all.. for the same reason i suggest to model a section as a component (i would suggest to use beziere splines + extrude edges by rails, so you can easily control your segments) then copy-repeat the component.
all in all, i think a single sided low-poly component repeated (flipped and scaled maybe) would dramatically cut down the polycount and of course the render time..
ps. what's your computer specs?
RE: Vray too slow while rendering
@karismah said:
if you have any other idea plaease let me know.
i don't know, the screenshot you attached are quite unreadable, moreover i don't know if there is some displacemente going on or blurry reflections etc, also i don't know which machine are you using.. your scene/geometry looks lot more complex than that of the other user.. it's hard to say..
edit: i read above you are not using displacement.
your scene looks utra-hi-poly however.. also maibe you are using super-heavy textures? is there refraction on the window glass? which cpu do you use? -
RE: Vray too slow while rendering
@karismah said:
there is a mistake in your comment
no, there is a mistake in you reading my comment, because as stated (and repeated and colour-emphatized) above i was referring to the visopt of Sebasvelpa, not yours. hope you understand.
RE: Trimble Version
@thomthom said:
Not using an application because of its icon doesn't seem ... rational...
naa i just specified i was joking.. i said that i won't touch it because at the moment it is working great as it never had before.
it was just a little off-topic on how customize icons.. that's all..
also i'm on holidays with a crappy internet key.. maybe i will update when i come back home.
but first of that i will buy your new stunning plugin for sure! -
RE: Trimble Version
@thomthom said:
@panixia said:
anyway how it is possible in win7 to change the icon of a program? that would be nice..
You can set the icon for the shortcuts you use - just right click and inspect the Properties.
i know you can for desktop shortcut, but not in the win7 taskbar were i use to keep the SU link, or i'm missing something?
RE: Trimble Version
@thomthom said:
@panixia said:
if the icon is the one and only "improvement" i will stay with m3 for now..
The icon isn't the only change - check the changelog. Always keep your software up to date - it makes the life of us plugin developers much easier when people have all the latest bug fixes. Don't get caught up on the icon - you can change your shortcut if you really insist on using the old icon.
ok, i was joking, but now, after reading the changelog, i found that actually it is quite a useless upgrade for me, i don't like the logo at all, i don't use mac, i don't export to layout.. in addition they don't claim any bug-fixes on this relase..
and i recently reinstalled for M3, cleaned up the plugin folder, tweaked the workspace a bit more and EVEN MY TOOLBARS are behaving properly.
it works so nice i don't want to touch it at all at the moment.anyway how it is possible in win7 to change the icon of a program? that would be nice..
RE: Trimble Version
@marian said:
I'm not too fond of these new logos to be honest.
the new logo is so crappy and anonymous..
if the icon is the one and only "improvement" i will stay with m3 for now.. -
RE: Vray too slow while rendering
@karismah said:
@panixia said:
@Sebasvelpa: why do you have the reflect slot in the enviroment ticked? are you using the hdr+sky trick? in that case you should untick that after adjusting sun in the reflect slot..
Wow, I haven't noticed that! No I'm using standard sun settings. Thank you I'll try how it works off.
ok, but that was not in your visopts, it was in those of the other user..
RE: Vray too slow while rendering
@Sebasvelpa: why do you have the reflect slot in the enviroment ticked? are you using the hdr+sky trick? in that case you should untick that after adjusting sun in the reflect slot..
RE: Italianiiii popolo di disegnatoriiiiiiiiii
ho iniziato cazzeggiando perchè ero bloccato a casa per 6 mesi causa quadrupla frattura vertebrale e non potevo lavorare (pratico quello stupido sport che è il bmx freestyle) mi aveva sempre affascinato la grafica 3d e avendo "tempo libero" ho imparatato sketchup anche perchè mi serviva per organizzare dei lavoretti a casa e anche alle rampe per le bici.. poi ho fatto vedere un pò di lavori a un mio amico che fa il renderista e usa tra gli altri anche sketchup + vray, quindi ho iniziato ad appassionarmi di rendering e a collaborare con lui per arrotondare.. non mi dispiacerebbe nel futuro prossimo "mettermi in proprio" e fare sì che diventi il mio impiego principale visto che mi sto veramente appassionando e direi che sto anche migliorando rapidamente, ora uso sketchup da circa un anno e mezzo e vray da 8 mesi credo..
concordo con te la roba buona si trova quasi sempre solo in inglese, io infatti uso sempre software in inglese quando possibile.. tanto poi i tutorial sono in inglese eheh.. una buona occasione per migliorare la lingua va.. -
RE: Italianiiii popolo di disegnatoriiiiiiiiii
scopro solo ora che c'è una sezione in italiano.. ma a quanto pare molto poco frequentata purtroppo..
RE: Render doesnt start
the size of sketcup file itself is not relevant.
first thing to do: open your task manager and observe how much memory it is consuming while "vray is courrently processing your scene please wait"..
always remember sketchup is 32 bit, so you can also run it on a pc with tons of ram, but it doesn't give any benfit at all.
also scaling the model will not reduce the polycount. so it is completely useless. try to layer it properly instead.. -
RE: Can this be done in SU?
ok, if we are talking about create and animate organic characters and so on, i totally agree with you.. blender is blender..
but if we are just talking of a coffee cup i think sketchup is good enough, you are right, maybe you need a couple of plugins of course, but at least you don't need to import/export/convert/learn blender.. -
RE: Need a few tips on modeling this crystal chandelier
i agree.. is quite simple modeling-wise but it can be quite tricky to attempt reproduce it exactly without proper dimensions or at least a better image..
RE: Need a few tips on modeling this crystal chandelier
not so organic.. it seems you need just to do a sphere component and circle array it as desired..