Will "hiding "components, groups, and other entities in a very large sku. file, help lower the load on RAM so my zoom tools work faster. I have a very powerfull PC,(i7-975) with 6 gig of RAM, and a fairly good GPU, driving two monitors. The particular file in question is loaded with so many entities, groups and components, things are starting to slow down as I add more things. But I need to see the entire model in order to line up centerlines on certain items. But I could "hide" various of these, if it will help with the speed of my zoom tools. If not, got any ideas?
Thanks for any insight.
Help needed on RAM load in large sku file
RE: [Plugin] 2D Tools
@unknownuser said:
A piece of 2dText is actually made ~1mm above the face it glues onto.
Gotcha! I see that now. cool.
@unknownuser said:
Is there another problem ?
Well, there might be Give me a day or two to find one.I'm learning this tool set slowly but surely.
Anyway, thanks Tig. -
RE: [Plugin] 2D Tools
@unknownuser said:
For example you want to use 0.25 how would it know that you weren't done typing at 0.2 - it's waiting for an <enter>
As a long time detailer...I should have instinctively known that. I discovered it shortly after I posted my question. Sorry bout that TIG.
And btw, I don't have time to read this entire thread in one sitting.
And I probably couldn't remember everything even if I could.So that brings me to another question. I tried to find an answer by searching a few tags..but I didn't find it.
Question. When I "place" a 2d Text entity on a model face, just like if you draw an entity on the face of another, the entities are "co-planar". That results in a visual anomaly where, depending on how you view the entities, one or the other will be predominant, or one will partially show, but as you move your view, it changes. Is there something in the tool set or variables whereby when you "place" the text, it "removes" the same area on the face of the other entity within the boundaries of the Text, or something to that effect? When I place 3d text, it somehow hides the plane of the entity on which it is placed, within the boundaries of the text itself. AND, you can see it on both faces of the entity. I hope that makes sense.
Anyway, thanks for the reply.
fitZ -
RE: [Locked] 2D Toolset - Use Newer Version Link
Hello Tig. I'm a little confused about the difference between these two threads, as they both are related to a 2d Toolset.
and this thread.
Is this 2d Toolset different than the set in the first thread? Or is it simply the latest version. I downloaded the set in the first thread. If I download the set in this thread, will it update the first one? Or am I simply confused...which wouldn't be the first time.
fitZ -
RE: 3d Text editing plugin?
OMG! Very cool indeed!! Geeeez, what would I do without you guys. Thanks a mill.
RE: Remote viewing of Sketchup sessions in real time??
@unknownuser said:
To recieve replies via email you need to tick the "Notify me when a reply is posted" box on the bottom of your screen, below the preview and submit buttons
Well dust my britches! to think I missed that all this time......what a moron I can be sometimes.
Ok, THANKS!! Oh, and I'll check out the Skype thing too.
note to self...look for buttons...OH...I see em now! Cool!
RE: [Plugin] 2D Tools
@thomthom said:
Increase the text in your browser. Usually you can do that by pressing Ctrl and Pluss / Minus
OMG!!! How cool.@charly2008 said:
or Ctrl and Mouse wheel.
Good grief, that works great! Learn sompin new evra dey!Thanks a million guys. Old farts need all the help they can get.
Ok, now I've got a question regarding setting the radius in the fillet tool. when I pick the tool, the default value in the measurements window is 1". I can enter a smaller value like .5, but as soon as I pick Line1, it reverts back to 1". How do I change the value of the Fillet radius? You mentioned entering in the "segment value", but the Text in the measurement window is in INCHES. Got any ideas? I really like this tool set, especially the fillet. I"d use it all the time...IF I can set a value LESS than ONE INCH. Thanks for any insight.
RE: [Plugin] 2D Tools
Wow! Now I get it.
Works great!!
I've been looking for that plugin for a long time~ Thank you so much! That's what I like about SketchUcation. Immediete HELP!
Ok, got another one for you. How do I change the TEXT size in the Window I am writing this, without changing the Text size in the actual post. Old age syndrome...I CAN"T read what I'm typing. Probably because my monitors are on my console, which are 4' from my eyes. You see, my monitors are part of my Recording studio console. Heres a pic so you see why. I have two computers and three monitors, and my Skethup computer is part of my Studio recording computer too. Anyway, thanks for any help.
fitZ -
RE: [Plugin] 2D Tools
Hello TIG. Just downloaded and install your great plugin. But I have a problem. I read the help file, but I can't find where you edit the FILLET tool parameters. I pick both lines...but nothing happens...like, the radius must be zero or something. Where do you set the radius? BTW, I didn't have time to read this entire thread...but I will, soon.
RE: Fillet and Champher Plug in?
OUTSTANDING! How cool is that!! Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks a mill guys, and btw, I DO have the Fredo6's Round Corners. I use it all the time, but for what I'm trying to do, the 2d fillet thing is what I needed.
Ok, got a few more questions but I'll post them on their own thread.
Again, THANX!
3d Text editing plugin?
Hi guys. I'm looking for a plugin, or existing tool in Sketchup, that sets up some kind of TEXT editing
of a 3d Text object. I have a ton of Text to place in various places on a model, and it would be nice just to copy a 3d Text component, click on the copy, and then edit the text...instead of having to create a new one. It would be easier to place the text along the same axis, just by copying and dragging it perfectly inline with the prior text. When creating a new text, it's difficult to "place" the new text precisely along an axis. Anyway, thanks for any help. -
RE: Remote viewing of Sketchup sessions in real time??
Hey Guys, thanks a million for the replies. My daughter just told me she has Skype. Not sure yet if it will do what I need. Frankly thouugh, I can't afford another monthly fee for software use. I really want a free program, as this is only a temporary although maybe permanent situation. She really wants to learn Sketchup, as she just finished her last class in Interior Design. One of the reasons is her last project.
She had to HAND DRAW a two point perspective of a room interior. She had a hard time seeing how the vanishing points related to the perspective of the various planes..like walls. Well, she swore she'd NEVER go through that again. Ha! Youngsters!(She's actually 40, which tells you how old I am.Hence the Sketchup tutorials. I have probably 1000 .jpgs of various things stored on a host server. I showed her what she could do on Sketchup and she was astounded. Especially if you render. But Sketchup by itself, with a good supply of textures, is outstanding as far as I'm concerned.
I just checked out Teamviewer and it looks awesome. I'll research it a little more before I download it.
Oh, btw, does anyone know why I don't recieve any notifications when someone replies?
Is there something in my profile or something that I need to edit?Again, thanks guys.
RE: How to Extend Recently Opened File List
@unknownuser said:
Did you mean Windows Recent files, or SketchUp recent files? SketchUp stores its recent files in the Registry:
Sketchup files. Ok, about the Registry.
Yikes. I don't think I'm that computer tech oriented to go into the Registry. Sounds scary.
Oh well, I guess I'll have to maintain a list by hand, like in notepad or something. I work on so many projects, going back to one from last week is difficult to remember I was working on it. Old age memory sucks.
But thanks. I appreciate the info anyway.
Fillet and Champher Plug in?
Hi guys. Anyone know of a plugin that will FILLET or Chamfer two lines? I often have to hand modify the intersection of two lines with a radius or a 45degree line, like a chamfeer, prior to using the "Tube from line" Plugin. and it is time consuming. It would be nice to be able to do this with a click or two with the mouse. Autocad has a command to do this, but I see no tool in the standard tool set. Thanks
RE: How to Extend Recently Opened File List
Hi guys. Sorry it took so long took so long to get back to you. For some reason, I never get any notifications that someone has replied. Maybe someone could suggest why I don't get them.
Anyway, about the OS. Win7 with Sketchup Pro8
Ok, thanks for the ideas. I'll try each one and see which works for me.
I appreciate it.