@tuna1957 thanks !!!
@Mike-Amos Yes indeed, it may looks likt that. first I wanted to do something like the first christians .
My new project 'La Vierge à la Mer ' , "Virgin with a sea", don't how to translate that actually. There is a game between the french words mer(sea) and mère(mother).
A few weeks ago I was advised this youtubeur https://www.youtube.com/c/Bandesdessinées (in french, unfortunately) who made videos on art history, among others.
Absolutely exciting. In one of his videos he spoke of the Trocadéro Heritage Museum(Paris,France) , moldings of tympanum of Romanesque churches, casts of medieval statues etc. I went there last Sunday, big big slap. Really magnificent, medieval tympanum integrated into the scenography, really damn. The works presented inspired me enormously.
I will start with a work imposed by the statues of the last image. An Annunciation.
In my version, the Archangel Gabriel is shown in the form of a winged tornado and the Virgin is at the end of her pregnancy her belly is a pregnant sea filled with fishes. The metaphor is obviously the amniotic fluid which becomes a sea from which Christians come (fish), brothers of Christ.
Big size here
My website of my version of Notre Dame https://notredame2.weebly.com