i'm bit confused about this plugin.. what's the difference between this and color by z?? thanks a lot
RE: [Plugin] Color by Slope
[REQUEST] A plugin to load script on demand
Hi my friends.. i would to know if there's a script that made a windows or a menu with the whole index of the script in the plugin folder (or in other folder..) that allow to run on demand only the script selected..
This is useful for many reason:
Fastest load of SU
Load only the script that need in that moment
Ability to unload the script
Toolbar that don't mess up when a new script load on a fresh start!!!!!I remember for a tool that has a simple menu in SU that allow to manage some script.. but don't remember the name and if do the whole operation that are in my fantastic dreams..
Thanks a lot my friends!!!
RE: Orient a model in a photo using photomatch
i imagined that have to do with that step..
thanks a lot!!!
Thanks for the opinion about our work.. is the thesis for the 5th year of architectural university in my town.. Politecnico di Milano in mantova (north of italy..)We work in a location that's affect by a huge year of story.. in the same place were fight many and many times in the world war.. and in the indipendence war. There is a medieval castle that today is hide by a big obsolete building.. in the specific.. this building hide the oldest (the only one..) door that allow the access througt the walls. Is a wonderful place.. because this location is on a hill.. in the highest point.. and we have a viewangle that are amazing!!! we want to remove that monster.. and replace a part of it.. with the old enter that with the drawbridge allow to enter in the stonghold! this bild is too small.. is a simbolic artefact that we want to rebuild symbolically and give it a second function. Infact.. we want to wash out the square that will appear after removal the build next to the walls, and recreate a new hypogeum structure, with an open theater, conference room, a big biblioteque, and 2 or 3 plans underground parking.
If we want.. i will post here the step progress of our work!!!
bye my friends.. and always sorry for my bad english..
Orient a model in a photo using photomatch
Hi my friends.. i've a question for you..
I made a big area with a castle, a churc, street, park.. and others things, with the actual shape.. how today wee see them..
now.. i've an old picture, that make me able to find a particular builds that disappear and now we can see them.. so.. i need to insert the picture in my model and rebuild the old builds in the real place where they were in the past..
how can i do this?? i do those steps:
- orient my model to make the scene similar to the old picture..
- with the camera menu, choose match new photo
- when i insert it.. i'm unable to match the model to the picture..
how can fix it??
Sorry for my BAD english...
thanks a lot!!!
How to set transparency and shadows over glass in monochrome
Hi my friends, i've done a sketchup style based on monocrome style, because i need to have also a texturized model. I don't wanna do multiple file because everytime change anything, need to change in any file..
So.. there is a simple mode to set the transparency available in monochrome style (i've edited the two side of the faces) and to see the shadows over the windows?
Thanks a lot!!!
RE: Boolean operations
anyone?? come on guys.. i think that there is an alternative method to do this..
RE: REQ: ANother camera
hey guys.. i've read only now about this script.. but.. you mean, that with those plugin.. in sketchup 7.. i can put in my model the camera.. and.. when render it with vray.. can connect the phisical camera with this?? it's a my mistake i think.. because.. if it will really be.. i'm going crazy!!! it's a wonderful command!!!
Another question.. there is a script that do.. GRATIS.. what Note Camera Point script from smustard site done???
RE: Boolean operations
This script.. is what i need!!!
Because.. i need to do a render with vray of a section cut.. but vray doesn't render the section.. it consider the whole of model.
The trick to do this, is erase the other side that is hide by the section plane.. but if you have many groups in your model.. there are 2 ways:
create a plane with rect.. end place it in the same place of the section plane, and then.. place it in EVERY GROUP THAT YOU HAVE IN THE MODEL.. intersect and then erase..
create a plane with rect.. and EXPLODE all the groups in your model.. intersect.. and then.. erase (always in parrel view.. it's better..)
But.. in the first situation.. if you have a big model.. NEEDS MORE AND MORE TIME.. in the second situation.. if you need the block for material, or anithing else.. you can go crazy to recreate them..
A solution.. imho.. will be.. a script that:
- can intersect WITH WHOLE THE MODEL.. indifferent with the group..
- if you use.. a 2d plane (in any position in the 3d space..).. one of the 2 side of this place, can mean that all the bit that are in front of this side.. will be mantained.. and whole the bit in front of the other side.. will erased..
The best.. will be a script that work with section plane.. and when i call this script a windows screen appair and allow me to save the model that it generate, with an other name (ex. model_SECTIONX.skp)..
Is a dream?? i will do it.. but i don't know from where can start..
Thanks a lot my friends.. hope in the future!!!
RE: [Plugin] SectionCutFace v2.0
sorry... but i don't understand.. why you say: rectangular selection fron left to right?? upper left and lower right.. or other side??
And.. with this selection.. what i do?? i need to do this.. when in the process??
sorry.. but i'm really confused..
RE: [Plugin] SectionCutFace v2.0
hi my friends!!! what is the best solution to erase quickly the side of the section that i don't wanna see? do the cutsectionface, and then.. intersect the block with the rest of the model and then.. erase the other side? there isn't a script or a command, that when use cutsectionface tool, automatic erase the other part of the model??
Thanks a lot
RE: Graphics Card Problem
well guys.. i think that the problem.. is the driver series 169.*.. because.. with these deries of driver, i've many problem with the graphic in sketchup.. with the WHQL 163.75.. no problem.. but this is a shame.. because the new nVidia ForceWare, solve many problem with the latest game and software..
Anyone... has the same problem??
thanks a lot