It looks like it is not rendered fully, or with low settings, can you post render settings ? Result is like it is saved at the beginning of progressive rendering or something like that. Try turning off interactive and progressive rendering, and set irradiance map + light cache under global illumination, CPU rendering.
RE: Why does my material look better BEFORE it's rendered?
V-Ray material groups ?
Hi. I have a question, or maybe a suggestion about materials in material editor.
Is it possible to group materials in editor so that I don't have materials of one object sorted by name, but instead to have them grouped in something like object sub folder ?
Kind of like Photoshop grouping of layers.For now I do it only by naming materials so they are in order, but i think it would be very useful option when we have models with hundreds of materials.
Maybe someone wrote plug-in that i don't know about, or in version 3 ?
I use version 2 V-Ray. -
RE: Too many artifact.. why??
Hmm.. weird,i was positive that wall was not single surface. What happens if u check View - hidden geometry ? Or can you right click on wall, go to texture- position and see if it is stretched ?
Higher values of HSph subdivisions in irradiance map give smoother results, and maybe you can, in car paint material, raise material reflection subdivisions for same reason.
RE: Too many artifact.. why??
Hi Orei.
Im not sure, but to me it looks like walls of your house are divided into triangles and for some reason texture in one triangle is stretched. Maybe try manual texture correction.
About car, could be some issue with material or maybe you need higher hsph subdivisions for smoother results in vray.
RE: SketchUp link collection
Hi, nice initiative to do something like that. My collection of bookmarks looks almost same
but i found few new pages worth exploring. Here are some more suggestions:
textures and models :
Texture seamless, Sketchup models, vray, podium and photoshop tutorials, resources 3D, trends Architecture and Interior Design
Rendering : - models and materials for rhino but work with SU and v-ray
RE: How to archive my SU file with all the vray links
Hi, i had same question
I don't know if anything changed with new beta. -
RE: Some Doors and Windows for you all (Update)
Thanks. Very helpful, and nice of you to share.
RE: Sugestions for chair modeling
Thanks Pilou, i found one very useful plugin in tuts you sent, and yes u are right, it is torsio chair from Bosnian wood furniture manufacturers Artisan
They have great designs, all made from solid wood and hand crafted. -
Sugestions for chair modeling
Im having some trouble accurately modeling and texturing this chair, so it came to my mind that there is a lot real life woodworkers with great skills in SU modeling on this forum.
My question is, how would you go about modeling this chair ? -
RE: Advice on how to clean the materials out of file and start
For cleaning materials from model i suggest Thomthom's Material tools plugin. Works OK with vray materials and great for cleaning messy models.
RE: Vray For Sketchup
Try playing with chair material in vray material editor, if it is material from sketch up it will have only extracted bitmap of texture, try adding some reflection, maybe even bump map to it, which is also good for some other materials, like wood so that it doesn't look flat, and you can lighten material via Photoshop, gimp or some similar software. Also about light, for daylight, u can change camera settings in vray options editor, allow camera to catch more light, change strength of sun, softness of shadows ( that is controlled through size of sun ) etc...
For night settings you could use vray spot lights to produce light from, ehm.. spot lights u have on the ceiling and make that yellow material that is in hanging lamps emissive.
Basically, when rendering with vray, a lot of things should be done through its material and options editor for quality of final product. Hope that it helps a little . -
RE: Vray black squares and splotches
HI. This is definitively memory problem, happens to me on regular basis, and most of the time is because of plants, nice models of plants are usually heavy on geometry. Try hiding plants ( and rest of geometry outside of render view ) or using different plants.
RE: Newbie_problem with trees
In v-ray materials under diffuse just click on "Use color texture as transparency" and click preview of material. It should be transparent now if u are using png.
RE: Modern house
Yeah, you guys are right, about half file size goes to vegetation ( That big tree is 2.5 Mb ), and I am hiding it for every different view along with all unnecessary geometry, i even render from 2 different models with same scenes because together they would be huge. Ill try look into vray proxies, anything that can ease handling of models is a great help .
RE: Modern house
Hi Daniel. Thanks for pointing those mistakes, i corrected it as soon as i saw your post. About detailed components i need them because i have to render 6 different views and one of them is from the kitchen. There is another house behind this one but i turned of its layers and will render it separately, than add in PS as bottom layer.
Thanks for your advices. For rendering i am using V-ray 1.49.01. -
Modern house
This house is a part of project i am currently working on and i would like to ask any advice about how to achieve more photorealistic look of render, be it by means of modeling, texture, lightning or post processing. Any ideas or advices are welcome. Also i have this problem : model is bit on a heavy side ( currently 113 mb ) so when i start bigger quality render RAM goes way up to 3.6 gb ( it appears to be top limit that SU can use )and crashes SU. I am constantly purging and cleaning and i take care to avoid large textures in materials, almost all are 512x512. About house, it is model made from architectural design, so i cant change architecture, lightning types and placement are also fixed and view is wish of a client. Please ignore wall lights that are leaking
, fixing it right now
. Grass areas i prefer to leave without texture and add photo in PS.
This is raw render :
RE: Problem with highpoly models
Eh, you are right about exploding Andy, i got carried away with one of the previous posts, what i meant is that rendering of displacement goes faster with saved IR and LC maps
RE: Problem with highpoly models
In my expirience materials with diplacement maps render faster with subdivided geometry, as abowe mentioned, but when rendering, cpu usage is still wery low, it does not go to 100 % as when rendering without materials with displacement in groups. Best way to go with such large models and displacement is to render with exploded model, save IR and LC maps, load them again in model with grouped materials and render again. For now that metod worked for me. Hope it helps.
RE: Links for 3D models & other components
Here is a great link for 3ds files :