Well, to get you up to speed, most people now know what get/set/getSetVar do, and most people in the SP Warehouse Community can now write IF commands, so, yeah, you've missed out a lot
RE: Where can I find a comprehensive, complete script tutorial?
RE: My next game...
Wow, that's awesome, can't wait until the finished product.
RE: My next game...
Sorry, the other textures were too big. If you want, i could try sending it through E-Mail.
RE: My next game...
I'm submitting a 69 texture pack for you..... Hope its handy.
RE: My next game...
I WANT TO HELP!!!! Use 2D Face-Mes if you want a non-lag super fast game. I have some in my shooter game.
RE: Sound API...?
I think that you would need to edit the file AND on top of that, wait for embedded sound to work, then you would be able to do something like that. But who can wait?
RE: New Toggle Script (Help Needed)
Nope. Your script i by far better, but it is REALLY hard to remember from the top of one's head
RE: New Toggle Script (Help Needed)
Nevermind, i've figured out a way to fix it using onTouch.
RE: New Toggle Script (Help Needed)
(By the way, please excuse me, i have only figured out how to write If commands 3 days ago)
RE: New Toggle Script (Help Needed)
@wacov said:
I see what you're trying to do, but honestly, it won't work. Mine is long for a reason
There's a 50/50 chance of actually toggling. I mean that literally. Oh, and hold down space, see what happens... I'll let you figure out what's going on.
!!201ST POST! YAY!!
I sort of want it to that, i want to give an effect of 'old' machinary, which does not always work.
New Toggle Script (Help Needed)
if key("space")==1 && getVar("piston")==1 then setVar("piston",0);elsif key("space")==1 && getVar("piston")==0 then setVar("piston",1);end;
Can somebody please help me? When i enter this into the controller, it does a syntax error. What am i doing wrong?
(Thanks β’BTM!)
RE: Coding Field
if getVar('sens')==1 then setVar('claw',0.6);elseif joybutton("a")==1 then setVar("claw",0);end;
IRS Improvement
Here is my IRS guided vehicle... it uses a navigations computer (IRS) Above it to guide it to a specific point. Any improvements? I'd love to hear them
RE: Maximum Sound Duration
I think any length of a sound is possible but it must be a long enough .wav or .mp3. So, if you would want sound to be longer, you would need to edit that sound file.
RE: Break on Command? (Impossible?)
@sgt.a.johnson said:
@unknownuser said:
Is there a way for a fixed joint to be controlled, not tampered by any vehicle movements, but controlled so that it breaks on command?
Most likely not as the breaking force box is white which means you can only enter raw value data not ruby
I did not mean ruby.... i only meant a rig that would make it break on command of a key.
RE: Object floats away from hinge!
You simply need to group different groups to get the result you want. Tiring and troublesome, but i bet it will come out great.