3d text tool error/malfunctioning
hey, good people!
i just got myself an i5 laptop which i installed my sketchup7 into. as i clicked onto the 3dtext tool button, sketchup started to hang up. i tried reinstalling it and even tried installing the sketchup 8 one but it still had the same problems/errors. i'm running on windows 7 ultimate 64bit OS. please help, thanks!
First of all, what is the clock speed of a single core on that i5?
Then what video card do you have with it? -
How many fonts do you have installed? On one of my machines I have quite a long list of fonts. It takes SketchUp a bit of time to open the 3D Text dialog on that machine. On another, there are relatively few fonts installed and it opens much faster.
I have around 250 ttf fonts loaded and '3d Text' opens almost instantaneously.
[Out of those fonts I use a handful !]
How many ttf's do you have loaded ? -
I'll have to look when I get home from work. I don't have nearly as many on my machine at work and it opens 3D Text much faster. The machine at work is barely a computer and in other ways is quite slow with SketchUp.
hey guys. this is kinda embarrassing but i just found out that you and others have been replying to my posts from day 1 here in sketchucation. (is it that we do not have a notification alert here or is it just my utter lack of awareness that we have one?). thank you everyone. i found out that it was a problem on my long list of fonts. photoshop was even having a long lag time along with msword. this is quite late but thanks a lot! your response is very much appreciated.
You must have set your forum preferences so you don't get notifications. You can edit that, though. BTW, I'm replying to you after getting an e-mail notification that you had written a post.
oh really? thanks mates!
btw, i did manually check today if anyone replied to my post last oct 27. :8l thanks again.