I know it can be done with 3DS max. http://community.simtropolis.com/forums/topic/69935-tutorial-on-how-to-extract-3d-models-from-google-earth-to-get-dimensionsproportions-of-building/

Latest posts made by mknorr
RE: SketchyPhysics 3.5.6 (26 January 2015)
My understanding is that 64 bit SketchUp isn't supported.
RE: SketchyPhysics 3.5.6 (26 January 2015)
I want to thank Chris for this amazing plugin.
I do have a couple of wishes for a future release.
- Support for 64 bit Sketchup
- Support for GPU number crunching monsters like CUDA.
Thank you again and where do I donate to your cause?
Manfred -
RE: Calling all SketchyPhysics users.
I'd love to see sketchy physics to take advantage of CUDA and the nvidia graphics card. I bet it would have to slow down the frame rate so you could watch it.
One for Ruby gurus
After reading about Q-learning http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q-learning I was wondering if it would be possible to create a learning SU model such as an ant using ruby and Sketchy Physics?I saw Q-learning used to get a hexapod robot to teach itself how to walk and thought how awesome this would be in Sketchy Physics.
Of course if I am asking the impossible here please forgive me. I know very little about ruby but am just curious.
I did download a 2 car SU model with some sort of AI but every time I click play it crashes SU.
Thanks for any help provided,
Manfred -
RE: CatchUp Edition 3
Is it just me or are there a lot of images missing in this issue? For example, the cable article has 8 steps in the centre and nothing either side. Also other articles have blank areas amongst the Text that look to me as needing images. I am using an iPad but I don't see these issues in the precious releases.
Thank you for any help provided.
Manfred -
RE: [Plugin] Edge Tools
I am sure this is a stupid question but where does one get this plugin? None of the links here take me anywhere.
How much time to spend on texture fixing?
In the photo match tutorials I have seen, the photos have always been absent of trees, power poles and wires etc. During my time modeling my city, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, I have found this rarely happens. I spend a lot of time removing trees and cables, cars and people, and fixing the perspective errors on protrusions like terraces. It can take a good 3 hours for me using paintshop, much longer if the tree hides a lot of the building. Is this too long? Am I being too fussy?
Just curious how others handle these sort of problems.
On another but related topic, compact cameras I have used are all a bit wide angle at turn on and it seems imposible to change this. This makes photo modeling hard even though I try to correct it using paintshop's tools. I took a photo of a notice board and found 25% fixed it so that is the amount I use on all my photos.