Hi Chris! Absolutely no problems with it now, since I've been matching the start/end positions, its working absolutly fine. The plug-in is great and is saving me a whole load of time/calculations... a great bit of work there Chris Many thanks for the response - I fear it was my lack of reading on the plug-in that caused the problem in the first place being the impatient person that I am. Deadlines wait for no man (or woman).
All the best, Matt.
RE: Shape Bender Woes!
RE: Shape Bender Woes!
Ah, the 'up' button. Sorry to be a dimbo - I'm working in the style of Tim layzell at the moment... need lots of curved lines
RE: Shape Bender Woes!
eh? so how do you make sure they are not reversed? or is that a daft question?
RE: Shape Bender Woes!
Its ok, I fixed it - I just re-installed the plug-in and its working fine. Something must've of screwed up somewhere along the line (pun unintended)
Cheers for the responses guys
M -
RE: Shape Bender Woes!
Hi there, thanks for the post. Just tried using a centre line for the er.. line. Strangley, the preview is ok, the result is not.
Cant for the life of me, work out wtf is going on.
Shape Bender Woes!
Hi all,
Having a problem with shape bender - my attached image is pretty much self explanatory. I've done everything as per the guide, grouped my object, drew a line running down the side (etc..) But I'm getting horrible results like these, what am I doing wrong?!
Many thanks for any suggestions,
RE: Sketchup to Maxwell MAJOR problem!
I exported as an .MXS and then just hit the black render button, despite exporting out the original .skp scene.. it worked!
Thats makes noooooo sense to me, but Solo, thanks for the tip, it solved this problem!Really, thanks. Was pulling my hair out.
Cheers for the help
RE: Sketchup to Maxwell MAJOR problem!
Well,..that's just awesome.
Never had this before I've been using Maxwell for months now - and now suddenly, its gone haywire.
RE: Sketchup to Maxwell MAJOR problem!
Thanks for that Chedda, just tried that and its exactly the same all I get is the HDRI image as before.
I get these warnings though?
[26/May/2012 16:23:13] Loading Bitmaps & Preprocessing Data
WARNING: - DO NOT SAVE MXI FILE flag enabled. MXI file will not be saved
WARNING: - DO NOT SAVE IMAGE FILE flag enabled. Image file will not be saved..I really have no idea what the hell is going on here!
Sketchup to Maxwell MAJOR problem!
Hi there,
Having the strangest problem..I'll let the pictures do the talking, but its basically this. Scene built in Sketchup, rendered in Maxwell fire (within sketchup with no problem). Export to Maxwell renderer and everything has vanished!
Anyone have any idea's what the heck is going on here?
Many thanks for any suggestions!
RE: Multiple views - building a house from top, left, right (etc
Thanks guys, with a lot of trial and error and using the guides you all posted up I manged to get one of the plans done. I started with the floor plan, built all the exterior walls, moved the entire model across (and behind) the left side CAD plan to pull the walls up to the right height. I then traced the windows, doors etc from the left side plan and basically just dragged them across onto the face of my model and push pulled from there. Worked really well
Oh and a tip for Maxwell users or anyone who gets noisy glass after a long render (like me) if you apply digital camera noise removal in photoshop (although I used paintshop) it clears up the glass super-nice! -
RE: Multiple views - building a house from top, left, right (etc
Hello! Can I just say I'm astounded by how quick you kind folks answered! Thank you very much - really appreciate it!!
I'll have a read/watch this evening
I've been handed a nightmare first project for building in sketchup its an old , very large French gothic house with towers, multiple levels, and various roof degree's. Must admit, when I opened that CAD file, I had a genuine OMG moment... and didnt know where to start. I've worked with sketchup on and off over the last few weeks and I feel this is way beyond my skills, but hopefully with these links it'll make my first project a success. In at the deep end and no mistake.
Thanks again!
Multiple views - building a house from top, left, right (etc
Here's a question... what in your opnion is the recommended way to go about building a house from multiple views? Before I start and get myself in a mess I thought I'd ask your advice to how you go about this?For instance, if I start with the floor plan and create all the exterior walls what is the best way to thenmodel the windows and doors from another view? Would I drag the model across in front of the "front" CAD plan, switch to xray mode and then detail in the windows?
Or perhaps model (seperately) the front, rear, left and right side and assemple them all together afterwards?
My other thought (this might be mad mind you) is to assemble the CAD plans into an actual house (ie 4 walls, roof and floor) and then model from there?
ANY advice would be absolutely gratefully recieved - I've just been given my first plan to work with and I'm having a panic!
Huge thanks in advance, Matt.